Collingwood Grain Terminals

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Photo by Dave West Photography

Current Status:

On June 17th, following a presentation by Staff, Council approved the Town project team to execute the Definitive Documents with Streetcar & Dream (Grain Terminals Revitalization Inc.). The execution of the Definitive Documents is a required next step for the continued evolution of the Terminals Point Project and in achieving the goals that were previously established at the outset of this procurement. The Definitive Documents provide the legal framework for all aspects of the collaboration and are based on the previously executed Memorandum of Understanding.

Next Step:

A Due Diligence period

Photo by Dave West Photography

Current Status:

On June 17th, following a presentation by Staff, Council approved the Town project team to execute the Definitive Documents with Streetcar & Dream (Grain Terminals Revitalization Inc.). The execution of the Definitive Documents is a required next step for the continued evolution of the Terminals Point Project and in achieving the goals that were previously established at the outset of this procurement. The Definitive Documents provide the legal framework for all aspects of the collaboration and are based on the previously executed Memorandum of Understanding.

Next Step:

A Due Diligence period will follow execution of the agreements where both parties will undertake further investigative and design work prior to closing. Additionally, the next step in the process will include active community education, engagement, and consultation which will help inform the design and establish a final concept for the lands. Stay tuned to Engage and the Town’s social media channels for information on upcoming events.

Highlights: Streetcar & Dream proposed vision

The final decision for the design of the Terminals and public areas will be highly informed by community input. However, Streetcar & Dream’s proposed vision includes the following highlights (refer to Concept Photos):

  1. Redeveloping Heritage Drive into four distinct areas that link together.
  2. Preserving and revitalizing the Terminals into a full-service hotel with restaurants and event spaces.
  3. Adding a residential condominium to the east of the Terminals.
  4. Creating public access to the top “bin floor” for views of Georgian Bay and downtown Collingwood.
  5. Enhancing the community’s access to the shoreline and water, creating new trails and walkways, lookouts and boardwalks.
  6. Creating space for shops.
  7. Transforming the Collingwood Harbour marine area.

About the project

The Collingwood Grain Terminals have a long history in our community. They are highly prominent and iconic. They have been unused since 1993, and for years, many have been wondering about their future.

Since 2019, Town Council has been taking action to consider the options to revitalize the Terminals. The costs for the Town to revitalize the Terminals are more than taxpayers can afford. As such, Council approved entering into a private-sector partnership, which opens the door for the Town to do more for the community. It achieve three critical goals:

  1. It ensures the Town maintains ownership of the majority of the lands.
  2. It gives the Town authority to set expectations and hold private partners to account.
  3. It brings greater value for taxpayers’ dollars because it leverages private investment to upgrade and enhance public spaces and meet community needs.

Based on community input, Council approved a set of 16 Guiding Principles to form the basis of a partnership. In 2021, Town staff went to tender to find a potential partner to work with the Town on the revitalization project.

In August 2022, Streetcar and Dream was chosen as the successful company for this partnership because their proposed vision has the greatest alignment with the Guiding Principles.

  • 6 Submissions were received for the Collingwood Grain Terminals Revitalization Request for Pre-Qualifications

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    The Town is pleased to announce that the 'Call to Interested Parties' for the Collingwood Grain Terminals Revitalization Opportunity received six (6) submissions at the time of closing on April 6, 2022. “We know that our community and Council have a great vision for the Grain Terminals Revitalization as a show piece to our waterfront, and we are thrilled to see the interest received from 6 proponents. It’s a positive milestone in this project”, said Chief Administrative Officer Sonya Skinner.

    The next steps in the process is to review all of the submissions for compliance with the independent Fairness Monitor (RFP Solutions), followed by a technical evaluation of each compliant submission relative to the criteria set out in the Request for Pre-Qualifications (RFPQ).

    The successful Pre-Qualified Proponents will then be invited to participate in the second stage of this process, the Request for Proposals (RFP). The RFP is anticipated to be released in mid-April 2022 and will proceed until mid-July 2022.

    The Town anticipates the selection of the preferred Proponent will take place in August 2022 after detailed evaluation of the Proposals.

    For more information of the RFP process, see the latest staff report


    The Town of Collingwood is seeking a visionary partner and/or developer to revitalize this unique property that is home to the Collingwood Grain Terminals and the surrounding spit land on Heritage Drive. There is an opportunity to repurpose and reimagine the historical waterfront property. The Town is committed to respecting the local heritage of the Terminals by preserving the Terminals in some form, while also ensuring the surrounding land encourages public access to the waterfront for the people that live, work, and play here.

    There has been extensive public engagement regarding the Collingwood Grain Terminals, such as through the Waterfront Master Plan, Terminals White Paper and the Built Heritage Assessment. This engagement demonstrated there is a strong local connection between many current, former and some new residents to the preservation and revitalization of the Grain Terminals.

    This unique opportunity awaits a partner and/or developer to share their vision to transform this landmark and surrounding lands to create a destination for residents and tourists. There is so much potential for bold concepts that energize and animate the site while respecting, celebrating and preserving the historical significance of the Terminals.

  • Special Council Meeting - March 31, 2022

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    A Special Meeting of Council is scheduled for Thursday, February 10th at 10:00 a.m. for Council to participate in a Grain Terminal Revitalization, Infrastructure Development & Alternative Financing Advisory Services Workshop. There is an opportunity for any public wishing to speak to the topic of the Grain Terminals during this Special Meeting, under the delegation section of the agenda. View full agenda here:

    Staff Report: C2022-18 RFP Process Grain Terminals Revitalization

    KPMG - Collingwood Grain Terminals - Public Council Briefing

  • Call to Interested Parties for the Collingwood Grain Terminals Revitalization

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    The 'Call to Interested Parties' for the Collingwood Grain Terminals Revitalization Opportunity is now available on Biddingo at: FIN2022-009PQ Call to Interested Parties for the Collingwood Grain Terminals Revitalization

    The Town of Collingwood is seeking a visionary partner and/or developer to revitalize this unique property that is home to the Collingwood Grain Terminals and the surrounding spit land on Heritage Drive. There is an opportunity to repurpose and reimagine the historical waterfront property. The Town is committed to respecting the local heritage of the Terminals by preserving the Terminals in some form, while also ensuring the surrounding land encourages public access to the waterfront for the people who live, work, and play here.

    There has been extensive public engagement regarding the Collingwood Grain Terminals such as through the Waterfront Master Plan and the Built Heritage Assessment. This engagement demonstrated there is a strong local connection between many current, former and some new residents to the preservation and revitalization of the Grain Terminals.

    This unique opportunity awaits a partner and/or developer to share their vision to transform this landmark and surrounding land to create a destination for residents and tourists. There is so much potential for bold concepts that energize and animate the site while respecting, celebrating and preserving the historical significance of the Terminals in some form.

    Interested developers/partners are invited to participate in the first step, the RFPQ process. View details here: FIN2022-009PQ Call to Interested Parties for the Collingwood Grain Terminals Revitalization

    Successfully pre-qualified bidders will be invited to participate in the second step of this process, the Request For Proposal (RFP).

  • Collingwood Grain Terminals Revitalization Opportunity – FIN2022-009PQ Request For Pre-Qualification (RFPQ) Coming Soon!

    Share Collingwood Grain Terminals Revitalization Opportunity – FIN2022-009PQ Request For Pre-Qualification (RFPQ) Coming Soon! on Facebook Share Collingwood Grain Terminals Revitalization Opportunity – FIN2022-009PQ Request For Pre-Qualification (RFPQ) Coming Soon! on Twitter Share Collingwood Grain Terminals Revitalization Opportunity – FIN2022-009PQ Request For Pre-Qualification (RFPQ) Coming Soon! on Linkedin Email Collingwood Grain Terminals Revitalization Opportunity – FIN2022-009PQ Request For Pre-Qualification (RFPQ) Coming Soon! link

    The Town of Collingwood will be seeking a visionary partner and/or developer to revitalize this unique property that is home to the Collingwood Grain Terminals and the surrounding spit land on Heritage Drive. There is an opportunity to repurpose and reimagine the historical waterfront property. The Town is committed to respecting the local heritage of the Terminals by preserving the Terminals in some form, while also ensuring the surrounding land encourages public access to the waterfront for the people who live, work, and play here.

    There has been extensive public engagement regarding the Collingwood Grain Terminals such as through the Waterfront Master Plan and the Built Heritage Assessment. This engagement demonstrated there is a strong local connection between many current, former and some new residents to the preservation and revitalization of the Grain Terminals.

    This unique opportunity awaits a partner and/or developer to share their vision to transform this landmark and surrounding land to create a destination for residents and tourists. There is so much potential for bold concepts that energize and animate the site while respecting, celebrating and preserving the historical significance of the Terminals in some form.

    Interested developers/partners are invited to participate in the first step, the RFPQ process. The RFPQ document is planned to be issued to open market by March 2, 2022 through If want to be notified when this opportunity goes live please register here:

    Successfully pre-qualified bidders will be invited to participate in the second step of this process, the Request For Proposal (RFP).

  • Grain Terminal Revitalization, Infrastructure Development & Alternative Financing Advisory Services Workshop

    Share Grain Terminal Revitalization, Infrastructure Development & Alternative Financing Advisory Services Workshop on Facebook Share Grain Terminal Revitalization, Infrastructure Development & Alternative Financing Advisory Services Workshop on Twitter Share Grain Terminal Revitalization, Infrastructure Development & Alternative Financing Advisory Services Workshop on Linkedin Email Grain Terminal Revitalization, Infrastructure Development & Alternative Financing Advisory Services Workshop link

    A Special Meeting of Council is scheduled for Thursday, February 10th at 10:00 a.m. for Council to participate in a Grain Terminal Revitalization, Infrastructure Development & Alternative Financing Advisory Services Workshop. There is an opportunity for any public wishing to speak to the topic of the Grain Terminals during this Special Meeting, under the delegation section of the agenda. View full agenda here:

    Staff Report: CCS2022-03 Grain Terminals Revitalization

    KPMG Presentation

  • Grain Terminals Revitalization

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    The Town has retained KPMG consulting (“Advisor”) to provide comprehensive advisory services for the potential redevelopment and revitalization of the Collingwood Grain Terminals (“Terminals”) and the surrounding lands (“spit”), seeking to achieve the Town’s policy objectives for this area. This includes comprehensive advisory services ranging from procurement planning and project implementation, pending Council approval of the project.

    The Advisor will provide best in class advice and guide the Town in preparing for an open market competitive bid process to attract innovative opportunities for the redevelopment of the Terminals and inform the development of the surrounding spit area. The Advisor will be a critical contributor to the engagement with potential developers and/or partners for the development of this project and is an expert in unique funding and collaboration approaches including a public-private partnership (“P3”) delivery model or like alternatives. The Advisor will provide strategic advice through the competitive procurement process, and the design, construction, and transition phases, as required.

    The Town is intending to hold an open market competitive bid process to engage potential developers and/or partners for the revitalization of the Collingwood Grain Terminals and, through this, contribute to the revisioning of the surrounding spit area. The Terminals in their current form, may or may not be part of that development, but it is critical that the role that they have played in the evolution of the community and the region be fully researched, documented, and respected. As a preface to the retention of the Advisor and the market engagement, the Town completed a Built Heritage Assessment of the Terminals. The Built Heritage Assessment determined the cultural heritage value of the property and the facility to the community and recommended an overall approach to the conservation of the heritage resource.

    The Town’s current comprehensive Waterfront Masterplan provides key insight into the vision for the Town’s waterfront resources. Although it does not define set outcomes for the Terminals, it does recognize the structure as a significant feature to be developed. It is important to note that the Vision set out in and the individual pillars of the recently updated Community Based Strategic Plan include improving public access to a revitalized world-class waterfront and encouragement of arts and culture amenities in the community.

    There is a plethora of possible end states that have potential to provide broader public access and amenities and will improve and accentuate the Collingwood experience. The Town has not precluded any opportunities or directions and is committed to respecting the local heritage resources and ensuring public access to the waterfront for the people who live, work and play here.

  • Built Heritage Assessment Community Consultation #2: Heritage Value and Heritage Attributes

    Share Built Heritage Assessment Community Consultation #2: Heritage Value and Heritage Attributes on Facebook Share Built Heritage Assessment Community Consultation #2: Heritage Value and Heritage Attributes on Twitter Share Built Heritage Assessment Community Consultation #2: Heritage Value and Heritage Attributes on Linkedin Email Built Heritage Assessment Community Consultation #2: Heritage Value and Heritage Attributes link

    Thank you for your continued interest in the Collingwood Grain Terminals Built Heritage Assessment. We had over 400 people complete the first survey. Thank you! We are now gearing up for the second phase of consultation which will include both in-person and online opportunities.

    One of the key features of a built heritage assessment is figuring out what heritage features, elements, or aspects of the buildings and landscape the community values and why. As part of the second consultation, we will provide additional information on the how heritage value is established in the Ontario Heritage Act (Ontario Regulation 9/06), clarify what a heritage attribute means, and explain the role heritage value and heritage attributes play in a Built Heritage Assessment. A preliminary list of heritage attributes will be presented for comment and feedback.

    We want to hear from you! There are multiple ways to learn more and have your voice heard.

    In-Person Opportunities

    ARA heritage staff and Town of Collingwood Staff will be available in person at Town Hall (97 Hurontario St) on September 18th, 2021, from 10 a.m. to 1 p.m. This is a great opportunity to learn more about the project, ask questions, or simply review the information boards at your own leisure. Please note that COVID19 protocols will be in place to ensure everyone’s health and safety. Rain or shine.

    Online Opportunities

    A virtual presentation, hosted through Zoom, will be conducted on September 22nd, 2021, from 7 p.m. to 8 p.m. ARA will give a presentation on the preliminary heritage attributes followed by a Question-and-Answer period.

    The second survey will be open for community feedback on September 16th and will close September 30th. Feedback will be related to the preliminary heritage attributes of the Grain Terminals and surrounding area. We encourage survey participants to attend the virtual meeting or learn more about the heritage assessment process through the important links posted prior to completion of the survey.

    If at any time you have any questions, please post them in the Question section, or email Amanda Pegg at If you want to learn more about Heritage and the Built Heritage Assessment process, please see resource in the Important Links Tab.

  • Collingwood Grain Terminals Built Heritage Assessment

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    August 11, 2021 - The Town of Collingwood is taking another step forward in determining the future of the Grain Terminals facility. In doing so, the Town seeks to support a healthy, strong, and vibrant community that recognizes the value of its history and heritage, while responsibly managing for a solid fiscal future.

    The Town of Collingwood is working with the heritage firm, Archaeological Research Associates Ltd (ARA), to prepare a Built Heritage Assessment of the Collingwood Grain Terminals and surrounding property. A Built Heritage Assessment will establish an understanding of the cultural heritage value or interest (also referred to as CHVI or Heritage Value) of the Grain Terminals and surrounding property.

    The built heritage assessment will use Ontario Regulation 9/06 made under the Ontario Heritage Act which sets out three principal criteria with nine sub-criteria for determining cultural heritage value or interest. These criteria include: design or physical value, historical or associative value and contextual value. Consultation with the local community is an essential component for determining the community assigned heritage value of the Grain Terminals and surrounding property using the criteria listed above. The assessment will consider the local and regional history, a field survey, and community feedback to establish the heritage value as well as a list of heritage attributes. Heritage attributes are a list of features that represent the heritage value assigned to the site and must be considered prior to any alteration or redevelopment.

    Community engagement and consultation is a critical component of this process. Multiple methods for the public to communicate and provide feedback will be used. The public feedback will influence the understanding of the cultural heritage values assigned to the site and will be a key component within the overall built heritage assessment and the recommended approaches.

    The Built Heritage Assessment of the Collingwood Terminals project will run from July 2021 to December 2021. In addition to the Grain Terminal, the study area will include the surrounding lands and buildings. The study area is shown below.

    Engagement Opportunities:

    We want to hear from you!

    The Town of Collingwood will offer meaningful two-way communication with residents. Our accessible community will empower all to participate in discussions, engage in activities, obtain information, and provide feedback regarding the heritage value of the study area.

    Explore EngageCollingwood to find key information, including a timeline for consultation opportunities, links to key heritage related documents, key contact information, a space to ask questions, and various opportunities to provide comments, stories, and feedback. ARA, Council, and Planning Staff will consider all heritage related feedback as part of the assessment.

    The following community consultation opportunities will be available through the assessment:

    • EngageCollingwood will have on-going opportunities for community members to provide feedback and share stories about the heritage value of the study area and ask questions about the heritage assessment.
    • On Thursday, August 12, the first of a series of surveys will be open for community feedback. The first survey (Information Gathering Survey) will guide participants through a series of questions specific to understanding the heritage value of the study area.
    • In early Sept (time to be determined), a second consultation period will seek community feedback on the draft list of heritage attributes.
    • In late October the final consultation will seek feedback on the findings of the Built Heritage Assessment through a survey (Heritage Assessment Findings Survey).

    At any time, you can contact Amanda Pegg ( with comments or questions related to the built heritage assessment of the Grain Terminals and surrounding property. Additional heritage related resources can be found under Important Links.

  • Town seeks Public Input on Next Steps for the Collingwood Grain Terminals

    Share Town seeks Public Input on Next Steps for the Collingwood Grain Terminals on Facebook Share Town seeks Public Input on Next Steps for the Collingwood Grain Terminals on Twitter Share Town seeks Public Input on Next Steps for the Collingwood Grain Terminals on Linkedin Email Town seeks Public Input on Next Steps for the Collingwood Grain Terminals link
    supporting image

    Grain Terminals White Paper on Engage Collingwood details 3 Process Options for consideration & feedback

    The Town of Collingwood is moving forward with determining the future of the Grain Terminals facility, located in Collingwood’s active harbour. In doing so, the Town seeks to support a healthy, strong, and vibrant community that recognizes the value of its history and heritage, while responsibly managing for a solid fiscal future.

    Town Council is deeply interested in the Community’s input on the Grain terminals, and wishes to consider local beliefs and desires for the Terminals’ future and the future of the Collingwood Waterfront.
    Council has stated that a decision on the future of the Collingwood Grain Terminals must be made in the near term to keep all end states viable for implementation.

    On Engage Collingwood, the Town is currently seeking input on three process options, or a hybridization of them, that will move the Town toward a Council decision on the optimal physical end state and type(s) of use.

    The three process options are as follows:

    • The Town can “Seek Funded Proposals for Evaluation and Decision”. This option will, via a formal Expressions of Interest process, seek development partners or buyers who can bring assets to the table that will enhance the outcomes for the Town, including for the people who live, work, and play here.

    • The Town can carry out “Environmental Remediation of the Marine Tower, with Steering Committee review of Additional Investigation of Unknowns and Opportunities”. This option will see the Town move forward with $2M marine tower work immediately, while also creating the Terms of Reference for and selection of a steering committee, and further consulting on the community’s and potential partners’ needs and ideas.

    • The Town can “Seek Business Opportunities for the East End (Sailing School) Building, Top Floor above Silos and Towers”. This option would see the Town seek about $800,000 in annual income from commercial venture(s) in the east end building, the two towers, the top floor above the silos, or even the space around the terminals. This would support needs such as the initial preservation investment, bringing utilities to the site and raising the roadway, and saving for the next renovation cycle.

    While information gathering and decision-making processes are underway, the Town is committed to maintaining the minimum maintenance and operations of the Terminals to ensure the Health and Safety of staff, contractors, and the limited building users.

    Council and Staff had great conversations with the public at a Tuesday, December 10 Open House event. The community is encouraged to visit Engage Collingwood to view the Collingwood Grain Terminals White Paper, learn more about the next step Process Options, and provide feedback.

    Photo by Dave West Photography

Page last updated: 19 Jul 2024, 06:04 AM