Collingwood Grain Terminals

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Photo by Dave West Photography

Current Status:

On June 17th, following a presentation by Staff, Council approved the Town project team to execute the Definitive Documents with Streetcar & Dream (Grain Terminals Revitalization Inc.). The execution of the Definitive Documents is a required next step for the continued evolution of the Terminals Point Project and in achieving the goals that were previously established at the outset of this procurement. The Definitive Documents provide the legal framework for all aspects of the collaboration and are based on the previously executed Memorandum of Understanding.

Next Step:

A Due Diligence period

Photo by Dave West Photography

Current Status:

On June 17th, following a presentation by Staff, Council approved the Town project team to execute the Definitive Documents with Streetcar & Dream (Grain Terminals Revitalization Inc.). The execution of the Definitive Documents is a required next step for the continued evolution of the Terminals Point Project and in achieving the goals that were previously established at the outset of this procurement. The Definitive Documents provide the legal framework for all aspects of the collaboration and are based on the previously executed Memorandum of Understanding.

Next Step:

A Due Diligence period will follow execution of the agreements where both parties will undertake further investigative and design work prior to closing. Additionally, the next step in the process will include active community education, engagement, and consultation which will help inform the design and establish a final concept for the lands. Stay tuned to Engage and the Town’s social media channels for information on upcoming events.

Highlights: Streetcar & Dream proposed vision

The final decision for the design of the Terminals and public areas will be highly informed by community input. However, Streetcar & Dream’s proposed vision includes the following highlights (refer to Concept Photos):

  1. Redeveloping Heritage Drive into four distinct areas that link together.
  2. Preserving and revitalizing the Terminals into a full-service hotel with restaurants and event spaces.
  3. Adding a residential condominium to the east of the Terminals.
  4. Creating public access to the top “bin floor” for views of Georgian Bay and downtown Collingwood.
  5. Enhancing the community’s access to the shoreline and water, creating new trails and walkways, lookouts and boardwalks.
  6. Creating space for shops.
  7. Transforming the Collingwood Harbour marine area.

About the project

The Collingwood Grain Terminals have a long history in our community. They are highly prominent and iconic. They have been unused since 1993, and for years, many have been wondering about their future.

Since 2019, Town Council has been taking action to consider the options to revitalize the Terminals. The costs for the Town to revitalize the Terminals are more than taxpayers can afford. As such, Council approved entering into a private-sector partnership, which opens the door for the Town to do more for the community. It achieve three critical goals:

  1. It ensures the Town maintains ownership of the majority of the lands.
  2. It gives the Town authority to set expectations and hold private partners to account.
  3. It brings greater value for taxpayers’ dollars because it leverages private investment to upgrade and enhance public spaces and meet community needs.

Based on community input, Council approved a set of 16 Guiding Principles to form the basis of a partnership. In 2021, Town staff went to tender to find a potential partner to work with the Town on the revitalization project.

In August 2022, Streetcar and Dream was chosen as the successful company for this partnership because their proposed vision has the greatest alignment with the Guiding Principles.

  • Exciting news! Important updates to be presented to Council on Monday, June 17, 2024.

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    At the Monday, June 17, 2024 Council Meeting, Staff Report CCS 2024–05 Terminals Point Definitive Documents will be presented to Council which asks that Council direct Staff to execute the contractual agreements with Streetcar & Dream (Grain Terminals Revitalization Inc.) on behalf of the municipality.

    The approval of this staff report represents the crucial next step in bringing to life the Terminal Points Project as set out in the engagement plans and priorities established by Council and the community during the initial planning phases. The Definitive Documents, as they are known, provide the legal framework for all aspects of the collaboration between the Town and Streetcar & Dream, (Grain Terminals Revitalization Inc.). These agreements are based on a Memorandum of Understanding (MOU) and are the product of a thoroughly collaborative process.

    Pending Council approval to proceed with the execution of the Definitive Documents, we are ready to proceed with the next phases of the project. This will include due diligence in planning and engineering, extensive detailed design refinements, and multiple phases of community outreach, engagement and consultation.

    View the full agenda and livestream the meeting via the CivicWeb Portal.

  • The results are in! 'Terminals Point' to replace former project name.

    Share The results are in! 'Terminals Point' to replace former project name. on Facebook Share The results are in! 'Terminals Point' to replace former project name. on Twitter Share The results are in! 'Terminals Point' to replace former project name. on Linkedin Email The results are in! 'Terminals Point' to replace former project name. link
    supporting image

    The Public has spoken! With over 1500 survey responses the new project name, ‘Terminals Point’, will replace the lengthy former name, “The Collingwood Grain Terminals Revitalization Project.”

    The project is getting a new name to highlight that this is not just the revitalization of the Grain Terminals but the reimagination and invigoration of the Spit as a whole, introducing new and exciting public spaces while enhancing the existing amenities. This rebranding also highlights the partnership between the Town and Streetcar & Dream, while respecting community values.

    Terminals Point seamlessly aligns with the well-established nomenclature of Lighthouse Point and Sunset Point Beach along Collingwood's shoreline. This name fuses historical importance, the iconic Terminals building, and the stunning scenery of Georgian Bay. It encapsulates the essence of Collingwood, offering a window into its history while embracing a promising future. By designating this area as a Point, where land and water converge, it becomes a community and cultural focal point, and a destination that beckons all to explore and enjoy the unique blend of heritage, innovation, and natural beauty that Collingwood proudly offers.

    One of Council and Staff’s paramount goals is to foster active community engagement throughout every phase of this extensive journey.

    To learn more about the project, subscribe to receive updates on the project's Engage Page.

  • What’s In a Name? Collingwood Grain Terminals Revitalization Project to be renamed

    Share What’s In a Name? Collingwood Grain Terminals Revitalization Project to be renamed on Facebook Share What’s In a Name? Collingwood Grain Terminals Revitalization Project to be renamed on Twitter Share What’s In a Name? Collingwood Grain Terminals Revitalization Project to be renamed on Linkedin Email What’s In a Name? Collingwood Grain Terminals Revitalization Project to be renamed link
    supporting image

    'The Collingwood Grain Terminals Revitalization Project' is getting a new name to highlight that this is not just the revitalization of the Grain Terminals but the reimagination and invigoration of the 'Spit' as a whole, introducing new and exciting public spaces while enhancing the existing amenities. This rebranding also highlights the partnership between the Town and Streetcar & Dream while respecting community values.

    One of Council and Staff’s paramount goals is to foster active community engagement throughout every phase of this extensive journey.

    “We recognize that the Collingwood Grain Terminals and Spit are integral parts of the community’s identity,” says Amanda Pegg, Executive Director, Customer & Corporate Services. “The team is dedicated to involving residents, businesses, and stakeholders in the decision-making process. It is important that all voices be heard and considered in shaping the future of this cherished area, ensuring that it continues to be a source of pride and connection for all.”

    Residents can cast their vote on one of the following 4 shortlisted options:

    • The Portlands - ‘The Portlands’ connects past to present and fostering a sense of pride among residents and visitors alike. With stunning waterfront views, a serene atmosphere, and endless recreational opportunities, the area along Heritage Drive is a natural gathering place. Naming it ‘The Portlands’ highlights its potential as a vibrant community space where people can relax, gather, and bask in the breathtaking scenery of Georgian Bay, without specifically highlighting only one element found here. ‘The Portlands’ name encapsulates the idea that this is a place where both history and the future come together to offer a unique and enriching experience for everyone.
    • Terminals Point - ‘Terminals Point’ seamlessly aligns with the well-established nomenclature of Lighthouse Point and Sunset Point Beach along Collingwood's shoreline. This name fuses historical importance, the iconic Terminals building, and the stunning scenery of Georgian Bay. It encapsulates the essence of Collingwood, offering a window into its history while embracing a promising future. By designating this area as a Point, where land and water converge, it becomes a community and cultural focal point, and a destination that beckons all to explore and enjoy the unique blend of heritage, innovation, and natural beauty that Collingwood proudly offers.
    • The Harbourlands - Since 2000, 'Harbourlands' has become a cherished term in Collingwood. Harbourlands Park, situated along Heritage Drive, was conceived as a haven for leisure, offering breathtaking views of Georgian Bay and Collingwood's iconic skyline. Expanding 'The Harbourlands' to encompass the entirety of Heritage Drive is a way to honour the name's established legacy over the past 23 years, signifying our commitment to celebrate its rich history while eagerly anticipating an exciting future.
    • The Spit - For decades, this area of Collingwood has been affectionately referred to by Collingwood residents as ‘The Spit’. A spit is a narrow coastal land formation that is tied to a coast at one end. As Heritage Drive moves into a new era of development and innovation, we have the opportunity to design ‘The Spit’ in a way that beautifully represents the heritage, legacy, and future of Collingwood and its vibrant community. ‘The Spit’ will serve as a symbol of the town's rich history and the enduring spirit that pushes us into an exciting future.

    Voting is open until October 20, 2023.

    Cast Your Vote!

  • Council Approval MOU

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    At the June 19th, 2023, meeting, Council approved the execution of the Memorandum of Understanding (MOU) for the Grain Terminals Revitalization Project. Staff will now proceed with the next phases of the project. This will include planning for initial community engagement and consultation with an intention of beginning active engagement in 2023. In addition, the proponent and the Town will begin to negotiate and complete the required binding agreements. Additional investigative work on the Terminals and the surrounding lands will commence, as appropriate and will support the required land use planning applications to facilitate the redevelopment. Public input and the findings from the additional investigative work will be critical in informing the design of the final concept for the lands, which will be subject to Council decisions under the Planning Act.

    As we move forward to determine the plans for the Terminals and the surrounding public lands, we will ensure the consultation plan creates opportunities to hear and balance all perspectives.

    An Information Booth for the Grain Terminals Revitalization will be set up at the Collingwood Farmers’ Market on Saturday, August 26, 2023.



    At the June 5th, 2023, meeting, the Committee of the Whole will receive Staff Report CCS2023-03 Memorandum of Understanding (MOU) – Grain Terminals Revitalization Project, seeking direction for staff to execute the Memorandum of Understanding (MOU) with Streetcar & Dream (Grain Terminals Revitalization Inc.)

    "The partnership between the Town, Streetcar & Dream opens the door for us to do more for the community," says Amanda Pegg, Executive Director, Customer & Corporate Services. "It achieves the three critical goals including: Ensuring the Town maintains ownership of the majority of the lands, it gives the Town authority to set expectations and brings greater value for taxpayers' dollars as it leverages private investment to upgrade and enhance public spaces and meet community needs."

    Town Staff have been working with Streetcar & Dream in a collaborative manner to protect the Town and public interest and ensure the Guiding Principles remain at the forefront of the negotiation process.

    Although the MOU in its entirety remains confidential, through mutual agreement, the Town and the proponent have agreed to release specific business terms that the parties deem are of high interest and importance to the community. The MOU is a nonbinding document that will provide a foundation for future negotiations of the binding Agreements.

    Pending Council approval to proceed with the execution of the MOU, Town Staff will proceed with the next phases of the project. This will include planning for initial community engagement and consultation with an intention of beginning active engagement in 2023. In addition, the proponent and the Town will begin to negotiate and complete the required binding agreements. Additional investigative work on the Terminals and the surrounding lands will commence, as appropriate and will support the required land use planning applications to facilitate the redevelopment. Public input and the findings from the additional investigative work will be critical in informing the design of the final concept for the lands, which will be subject to Council decisions under the Planning Act.
    Key Points:

    • The MOU includes the sale of a surface area of approximately 0.2 acres of the spit lands by the Town to the proponent. This land sale would accommodate the proposed residential development.
    • The remaining spit lands (approximately 19.8 acres) would remain under the ownership of the Town.
    • The MOU includes a long term (life lease) land lease of an approximate 0.8 acres by the Town to the proponent. This land lease would accommodate the revitalization of the silos to create the hotel and other public amenities contained within.
    • The Town’s financial commitment to the project is based on the amounts included in the Town’s Ten-Year Capital Plan. The Present Value of the costs to the Town (discounted at 5% to 2022 dollars - at time of proposal submission) is $15,055,777.
    • The MOU highlights the significant value that the public engagement and consultation process has on the overall project vision for the public areas. The MOU ensures commitment from both the Town and the proponent to ensure a robust and meaningful process. Both the Town and the proponent will lead components of this engagement. The Town will have leadership over the public space engagements.

    The Staff Report will be presented to the Committee of the Whole at their June 5th meeting, then will proceed to Council June 19th. View Staff Report: CCS2023-03 Memorandum of Understanding (MOU) – Grain Terminals Revitalization Project

    To contact members of Council with comments or concerns, please visit the Council page for contact information:

  • Grain Terminals Vision Unveiled

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    Collingwood, ON [27 March 2023] – At the Council meeting on Monday, March 27, 2023, the public got their first look at the proposed vision for the revitalization of the iconic Grain Terminals.

    Rendering of proposed Grain Terminals redesign by Streetcar & Dream

    Streetcar Developments Inc and Dream Unlimited Corp (Streetcar and Dream) presented their vision for the Terminals and surrounding lands on Heritage Drive, Millennium Park, and the spit. Town staff also provided an overview of the comprehensive public engagement and consultation process, scheduled to commence this summer.

    Some highlights from the proposal include the re-development of Heritage Drive with significant public realm enhancements and access, preservation and adaptive reuse of the Terminals including a full-service hotel, restaurant and event space, and a residential component to the east of the Terminals. The concept public realm enhancements activate the harbourfront year-round and include access to the shoreline/ water, trails, lookouts and boardwalks, public space for retail and most notably, the proposal introduces public access to the Terminal building itself in ways that were not previously possible. The current “bin floor” atop the Terminals is envisioned as a publicly accessible feature with sweeping views of Georgian Bay and the Town, including historic downtown Collingwood. The proposed design concept incorporates leading green technologies and aligns with the Town’s commitment to sustainability, while honouring the built heritage of the site.

    “We are excited to partner with the Town of Collingwood to implement a visionary plan for the Spit and to stabilize the iconic Terminal building so it can remain a Collingwood landmark for decades to come,” said Les Mallins, President of Streetcar Developments.

    “Our team's involvement extends well beyond the development and construction of this project. With our hotel, we become a fully aligned operating partner with the Town in perpetuity, ensuring the Spit remains an all-season attraction for the community and visitors alike. We look forward working with the community to bring this important landmark back to life.”

    "Our community has waited decades to see a vision for the future of the Grain Terminals," said Mayor of Collingwood, Yvonne Hamlin. "The possibilities presented today provide a clear path to a transformative repurposing of the terminals for public and private uses. This proposal will revitalize the entire spit with improved access for boaters, cyclists, swimmers and anyone who wants to enjoy a day at the waterfront. I look forward to working with the community, Streetcar and Dream as this project moves ahead".

    The recording of the presentation and Council meeting is available on the Town’s YouTube Channel.

    The next step in this historical re-development is the finalization of the Memorandum of Understanding (MOU). Public engagement will ensue, scheduled to begin in summer 2023.

    Presentations - March 27, 2023 Council:

  • Grain Terminals Plan Unveiling

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    On Monday, March 27 at 5:00 p.m., Streetcar Developments Inc. & Dream Unlimited Corp. will present their vision for the Grain Terminals in Council Chambers. Stream the meeting live on the Town's YouTube channel.

  • Collingwood Grain Terminals Revitalization Project Council to Consider Proposal from Successful Proponent

    Share Collingwood Grain Terminals Revitalization Project Council to Consider Proposal from Successful Proponent on Facebook Share Collingwood Grain Terminals Revitalization Project Council to Consider Proposal from Successful Proponent on Twitter Share Collingwood Grain Terminals Revitalization Project Council to Consider Proposal from Successful Proponent on Linkedin Email Collingwood Grain Terminals Revitalization Project Council to Consider Proposal from Successful Proponent link

    Following an extensive procurement process, Streetcar Developments Inc. & Dream Unlimited Corp. has been recommended as the successful proponent to be considered to move forward with their proposal to revitalize the Collingwood Grain Terminals.

    The submitted proposal outlined a commitment to developing their vision within the guiding principles established by the Town along with an extensive community engagement process. Some of these principles include structural preservation of the terminals, optimized public access to the spit and to energize and animate Heritage Drive.

    Following the closing of the RFP, Town staff completed a compliance review with the independent Fairness Monitor, followed by technical evaluation, and a closed session presentation with the evaluation committee which was observed by Council.

    “The Collingwood Grain Terminals Revitalization Project is such a significant undertaking, likely one of the most impactful that Collingwood has seen since the Terminals were erected in 1929. Months of planning, reviews, public engagement, and evaluation to ensure the desires of the community are met for the Terminals’ future and the future of the Collingwood Waterfront,” says Sonya Skinner, Town of Collingwood Chief Administrative Officer.

    “Our proposal enables public access to the Spit, the Bay and the Terminal Building itself in ways that would not have been previously possible. The Terminal building is not just being preserved, its being infused with new life becoming a cultural, recreational, and economic community asset and a beacon for sustainability for the Town of Collingwood,” states Les Mallins, president of Streetcar Developments Inc.

    The proponent summarizes their proposal as follows:

    The Collingwood Grain Terminals Revitalization Project presents a remarkable opportunity to demonstrate how a public-private partnership can create a dynamic, high-quality year-round destination that will thoughtfully re-adapt and honour Collingwood’s beloved landmark. Our proposal includes the following highlights:

    • Preservation and adaptive reuse of the Terminals through the creation of a full-service and authentic boutique hotel, including restaurants and events spaces, that highlight the heritage attributes of the building and provide public access to the entire Terminal building.
    • Public realm enhancements throughout the Spit, including new connections to the water, a reimagined Millennium Park, new trails and walkways, and a renewed focus on recreational and cultural activities for year-round public enjoyment.
    • New marina building and facilities [In Collaboration with the Town of Collingwood and pending consultation and future Council direction], which will address the needs of the existing key stakeholders on the Spit and will transform the Collingwood Harbour into a marine destination unmatched on Georgian Bay and beyond.

    Council will provide direction on next steps during the Council meeting to be held Thursday, August 18th. If Council awards the project to the recommended proponent, the bidder and staff will develop a Memorandum of Understanding outlining the various terms and conditions of the arrangement. The public consultation strategy developed by the proponent would commence shortly thereafter.

    For more information of the RFP process, see the latest staff report:
    C2022-25 Collingwood Grain Terminals

    C2022-25 Grain Terminals Revitalization Presentation

  • RFP Extension Granted for Collingwood Grain Terminals Revitalization Project

    Share RFP Extension Granted for Collingwood Grain Terminals Revitalization Project on Facebook Share RFP Extension Granted for Collingwood Grain Terminals Revitalization Project on Twitter Share RFP Extension Granted for Collingwood Grain Terminals Revitalization Project on Linkedin Email RFP Extension Granted for Collingwood Grain Terminals Revitalization Project link

    The deadline for pre-qualified proponents to submit proposals for the Collingwood Grain Terminals Revitalization project has been extended by one business day.

    In an abundance of fairness and due to the widespread impact of the recent internet outage, the original deadline of Friday, July 22, 2022 has been updated to Monday, July 25, 2022 at 3:30 p.m.

    Three proponents were pre-qualified in May 2022:

    • Diamante Urban Corporation
    • Fram Building Group Ltd.
    • Streetcar Developments Inc. & Dream Unlimited Corp.

    Each proponent has outlined a commitment to developing a vision aligned with guiding principles established by the Town and incorporating community feedback. Some of these principles include structural preservation of the terminals in some form, optimized public access, and to energize and animate Heritage Drive.

    Following the new deadline of July 25, 2022, Town staff will complete a compliance review of RFP documents received with the independent Fairness Monitor, followed by a technical evaluation. Proponents that meet the established criteria will advance to the interview stage of the process. To uphold the integrity of the RFP, proponents are not permitted to engage with the public until the successful proponent is determined. Once Council awards the project to the successful proponent, the proponent will be responsible for implementing their public consultation strategy.

    The Town anticipates announcing the selected proponent in August 2022.

    Learn more about the Collingwood Grain Terminals Revitalization and the processes taken to date at the Town’s Engage Page


    The Town of Collingwood is seeking a visionary partner and/or developer to revitalize the unique property that is home to the Collingwood Grain Terminals and the surrounding spit land on Heritage Drive. This is an opportunity to repurpose and reimagine the historical waterfront property. The Town is committed to respecting the local heritage of the Terminals by preserving the Terminals in some form, while also ensuring the surrounding land encourages public access to the waterfront for the people that live, work, and play here.

    Extensive public engagement has been undertaken regarding the Collingwood Grain Terminals, through the Waterfront Master Plan, Terminals White Paper, and the Built Heritage Assessment. This undertaking demonstrated a strong local connection between many current, former, and new residents to the preservation and revitalization of the Grain Terminals.

    This unique opportunity awaits a partner and/or developer to share their vision to transform this landmark and surrounding lands to create a destination for residents and tourists. There is so much potential for bold concepts that energize and animate the site while respecting, celebrating and preserving the historical significance of the Terminals.

  • 3 Proponents shortlisted to submit Request for Proposals for the Collingwood Grain Terminals revitalization project

    Share 3 Proponents shortlisted to submit Request for Proposals for the Collingwood Grain Terminals revitalization project on Facebook Share 3 Proponents shortlisted to submit Request for Proposals for the Collingwood Grain Terminals revitalization project on Twitter Share 3 Proponents shortlisted to submit Request for Proposals for the Collingwood Grain Terminals revitalization project on Linkedin Email 3 Proponents shortlisted to submit Request for Proposals for the Collingwood Grain Terminals revitalization project link

    Following extensive evaluations in the pre-qualification stage, 3 Proponents will move through to the Request for Proposal phase of the Collingwood Grain Terminals Revitalization.

    The 3 Proponents are:

    • Diamante Urban Corporation

    • Fram Building Group Ltd.

    • Streetcar Developments Inc. & Dream Unlimited Corp.

    Each of the three proponents have outlined a commitment to developing their vision within the guiding principles established by the Town, incorporating community feedback. Some of these principles include structural preservation of the terminals in some form, optimized public access and to energize and animate Heritage Drive.

    Six submissions were received following the Call for Interested Parties for the Collingwood Grain Terminals Revitalization Opportunity at the time of closing on April 6, 2022.

    The Request for Pre-Qualifications (RFPQ) evaluation included review all of the submissions for compliance with the independent Fairness Monitor (RFP Solutions), followed by a technical evaluation of each compliant submission relative to the criteria set out in the Request for Pre-Qualifications (RFPQ).

    The Request for Proposal (RFP) documents will be sent to the proponents later this week. After the RFP closes around the end of July, Town staff will complete a compliance review with the independent Fairness Monitor, followed by technical evaluation, and those meeting the criteria will be advanced to the interview stage. To uphold the integrity of the RFP, proponents are not permitted to engage with the public until the successful proponent is determined. Once Council awards the project to the successful bidder, the bidder will be responsible for implementing their public consultation strategy.

    The Town anticipates the selection of the preferred proponent will take place in August 2022.

    For more information of the RFP process, see the latest staff report.


    The Town of Collingwood is seeking a visionary partner and/or developer to revitalize this unique property that is home to the Collingwood Grain Terminals and the surrounding spit land on Heritage Drive. There is an opportunity to repurpose and reimagine the historical waterfront property. The Town is committed to respecting the local heritage of the Terminals by preserving the Terminals in some form, while also ensuring the surrounding land encourages public access to the waterfront for the people that live, work, and play here.

    There has been extensive public engagement regarding the Collingwood Grain Terminals, such as through the Waterfront Master Plan, Terminals White Paper and the Built Heritage Assessment. This engagement demonstrated there is a strong local connection between many current, former and some new residents to the preservation and revitalization of the Grain Terminals.

    This unique opportunity awaits a partner and/or developer to share their vision to transform this landmark and surrounding lands to create a destination for residents and tourists. There is so much potential for bold concepts that energize and animate the site while respecting, celebrating and preserving the historical significance of the Terminals.

Page last updated: 19 Jul 2024, 06:04 AM