Collingwood Grain Terminals Built Heritage Assessment

August 11, 2021 - The Town of Collingwood is taking another step forward in determining the future of the Grain Terminals facility. In doing so, the Town seeks to support a healthy, strong, and vibrant community that recognizes the value of its history and heritage, while responsibly managing for a solid fiscal future.

The Town of Collingwood is working with the heritage firm, Archaeological Research Associates Ltd (ARA), to prepare a Built Heritage Assessment of the Collingwood Grain Terminals and surrounding property. A Built Heritage Assessment will establish an understanding of the cultural heritage value or interest (also referred to as CHVI or Heritage Value) of the Grain Terminals and surrounding property.

The built heritage assessment will use Ontario Regulation 9/06 made under the Ontario Heritage Act which sets out three principal criteria with nine sub-criteria for determining cultural heritage value or interest. These criteria include: design or physical value, historical or associative value and contextual value. Consultation with the local community is an essential component for determining the community assigned heritage value of the Grain Terminals and surrounding property using the criteria listed above. The assessment will consider the local and regional history, a field survey, and community feedback to establish the heritage value as well as a list of heritage attributes. Heritage attributes are a list of features that represent the heritage value assigned to the site and must be considered prior to any alteration or redevelopment.

Community engagement and consultation is a critical component of this process. Multiple methods for the public to communicate and provide feedback will be used. The public feedback will influence the understanding of the cultural heritage values assigned to the site and will be a key component within the overall built heritage assessment and the recommended approaches.

The Built Heritage Assessment of the Collingwood Terminals project will run from July 2021 to December 2021. In addition to the Grain Terminal, the study area will include the surrounding lands and buildings. The study area is shown below.

Engagement Opportunities:

We want to hear from you!

The Town of Collingwood will offer meaningful two-way communication with residents. Our accessible community will empower all to participate in discussions, engage in activities, obtain information, and provide feedback regarding the heritage value of the study area.

Explore EngageCollingwood to find key information, including a timeline for consultation opportunities, links to key heritage related documents, key contact information, a space to ask questions, and various opportunities to provide comments, stories, and feedback. ARA, Council, and Planning Staff will consider all heritage related feedback as part of the assessment.

The following community consultation opportunities will be available through the assessment:

  • EngageCollingwood will have on-going opportunities for community members to provide feedback and share stories about the heritage value of the study area and ask questions about the heritage assessment.
  • On Thursday, August 12, the first of a series of surveys will be open for community feedback. The first survey (Information Gathering Survey) will guide participants through a series of questions specific to understanding the heritage value of the study area.
  • In early Sept (time to be determined), a second consultation period will seek community feedback on the draft list of heritage attributes.
  • In late October the final consultation will seek feedback on the findings of the Built Heritage Assessment through a survey (Heritage Assessment Findings Survey).

At any time, you can contact Amanda Pegg ( with comments or questions related to the built heritage assessment of the Grain Terminals and surrounding property. Additional heritage related resources can be found under Important Links.

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