Official Plan Update

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Aerial image of Collingwood

Proposed Modifications to new Collingwood Official Plan - July 22, 2024

  • The Town of Collingwood and County of Simcoe have collaborated on proposed modifications to the Collingwood Official Plan

  • The proposed modifications will be recommended to Town of Collingwood Committee of the Whole on Monday July 22, 2024 (agenda link here) through Staff Report P2024-21.

  • The new Official Plan was adopted by Town Council on December 11, 2023, and will still require approval by the County of Simcoe, anticipated to occur in fall of 2024.

New Official Plan adopted by Council December 11, 2023

Proposed Modifications to new Collingwood Official Plan - July 22, 2024

  • The Town of Collingwood and County of Simcoe have collaborated on proposed modifications to the Collingwood Official Plan

  • The proposed modifications will be recommended to Town of Collingwood Committee of the Whole on Monday July 22, 2024 (agenda link here) through Staff Report P2024-21.

  • The new Official Plan was adopted by Town Council on December 11, 2023, and will still require approval by the County of Simcoe, anticipated to occur in fall of 2024.

New Official Plan adopted by Council December 11, 2023

  • Collingwood Council adopted a new Official Plan on December 11, 2023. The new 2023 Official Plan is a visionary document that paves the way for sustainable growth and development. The Notice of Adoption is available here.
  • Staff Report P2023-32 provides an overview of the final draft Official Plan, an Indigenous engagement record, all comments received on Draft 2 and a comment-response matrix, as well as a tracked-change version from the Draft 2 Official Plan.
  • Council made five modifications to the new Official Plan prior to its adoption. To view these modifications, the consultation summary and next steps, please view the media release.
  • For further information and updates on the New Official Plan, please subscribe to Official Plan Updates here.
  • To be notified of a future County of Simcoe approval of the Town's Official Plan, please make a request to the County Clerk at

Think about Collingwood in 20 years…

Where will you live, work, and play? What will your neighbourhood look like?

How will you get around? What’s your community vision?

These questions and more will be explored in the Town of Collingwood’s Official Plan Update.

Get involved! Visit this page for updates.

What is an Official Plan?
The Official Plan is the overall policy for how land is used in Collingwood and will be the vision for our community over the next 20 years. The plan is the guide for the Town’s growth and directs where, when, and how growth should occur.

Why update the Official Plan?
The Planning Act requires the Town to update our Official Plan every five years to make sure that it is in line with Provincial and County plans, such as:

A Place to Grow: the Growth Plan for the Greater Golden Horseshoe

Provincial Policy Statement

County of Simcoe Official Plan

In Ontario, the planning system is based on a ranking of plans. These plans change often and each time that a change is made, new content is added that gives new direction or changes the planning system. The Town has to make sure that our Official Plan is updated to match Provincial Plans and the County Official Plan.

The plan also needs to be updated to:

Integrate the content of other Town plans that have recently been approved or are soon to be approved with the Official Plan.

Update the Official Plan to provide Council with the tools they need to manage future growth.

How can I get involved?
There will be many chances for public input during the Official Plan update process and we want to hear your ideas! Please watch this page and Town social media for updates on how you can be involved.

  • Survey results released

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    The Official Plan Update survey results are now available for review. The survey was open from May 21st to July 2nd, 2020. In total, 528 people responded to the survey and the results can be viewed in the "What We Heard Report #2" posted under "Engagement: Presentations & Reports" at the right side of this page. The survey asked participants to provide feedback and rate key opportunities identified from the public workshops held in March. Thank you to everyone who took the time to take the survey!

    If you missed the survey, future engagement opportunities will be posted on this page. Comments can be submitted at anytime to

  • Survey now closed, but engagement continues

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    The Official Plan survey is now closed. Thank you to everyone who took the time to participate and share their vision for Collingwood! Survey results will be available soon and shared on this page. If you missed the survey, there will be further engagement opportunities including comment on the soon to be released discussion papers. Please keep an eye on this page for updates on how you can be involved. Comments can be submitted at any time to

  • Survey Deadline Extended

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    The deadline to take the Official Plan Update survey has been extended one week until Thursday July 2nd. Please take a moment to share your priorities and ideas before the survey closes!

    Take the survey - click to begin

  • Survey now LIVE!

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    We want to hear what you want included in the new Official Plan! Please take a quick survey.Take the survey - click to begin

  • May 29th Project Update

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    Work on the Official Plan Update has continued since our community consultation workshop on March 4, 2020 and this update provides information on:

    • The project status
    • Release of the WHAT WE HEARDreport that summarizes results of public consultation to date.
    • Release of a SURVEY that seeks to confirm and prioritize the issues identified so far.
    • Next steps, including the release of DISCUSSION PAPERS for public comment which forms the 3rd phase of the project and targeted time frames for additional steps.

    COVID-19 related content has been included in the project to identify any related impacts on the Official Plan Update.

    The project is on track:

    We heard what you said at the March 4th community workshop and summarized it in the “WHAT WE HEARD” report which can be found here.

    Based on what we heard from you, we have also created a SURVEY to make sure we got it right and to provide a way for all those not able to attend in March, the chance to identify their key issues and opportunities as well. Please take a few minutes to fill out the survey!

    DISCUSSION PAPERS, which form the 3rd phase of the project, are targeted for release for public comment in mid-July. These papers cover eight topics:

    • Municipal Infrastructure
    • Community Design
    • Downtown and Waterfront
    • Greenlands (Natural Areas & Parks)
    • Growth Management
    • Housing
    • Sustainable Development
    • Transportation

    If your organization/group would like to receive a presentation on the Official Plan Update, staff would be happy to set one up with you. Please let us know – we can meet virtually with your group. Contact:

    Justin Teakle, Community Planner via email at:

    Thank you for your continued interest in the Official Plan Update.

  • What We Heard Report & Issues Summary

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    The What We Heard Report, summarizing input received from Council and attendees of the March 4th Community Workshop sessions, is now posted for review under "Engagement Presentations and Reports" at the right of this page.

    A survey is coming soon to validate the comments summarized in the report. Staff have asked the consulting team to include a survey question regarding issues as a result of COVID-19. The survey will be followed by the release of the discussion papers in June.

  • March 4th Community Workshop Summary

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    Thank you to everyone who took the time to attend the March 4th Community Workshop and for providing your comments on the issues worksheets.

    Approximately 150 people attended the three sessions to talk about community issues and aspirations. Planning Services thanks everyone for their thoughts and participation.

    Results of what we heard in the workshop sessions are currently being compiled and will be released here shortly.

    If you missed the Community Workshop or have more you would like to share, a survey is being created to gather further feedback and will be posted on this page soon.

    The workshop presentation can be found in the Document Library located on the upper right-hand side of this page.

  • Community Workshop on Wednesday, March 4 - What do you think Collingwood should look like in 20 years?

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    You are invited to attend the first Community Workshop on the Town of Collingwood's Official Plan Update.

    Wednesday, March 4, 2020
    Collingwood Public Library, Rooms B & C

    55 Ste. Marie Street, Collingwood

    Three Workshop sessions are planned. Please register for the session that best suits your schedule:

    • 1:00 PM – 3:00 PM
    • 3:30 PM – 5:30 PM
    • 6:30 PM – 8:30 PM

    The workshop will begin with a brief presentation, followed by table group discussions on various topics.

    Register at:

    What do you think Collingwood should look like in 20 years?
    Please join us to discuss your thoughts, including:

    • Where and how should the Town grow (areas for housing, jobs, natural areas, and places to shop, gather, and play)?
    • What does a healthy community look like?
    • How should we travel around the Town?
    • What should our existing and new neighbourhoods look like?
    • Where will jobs locate and what should our commercial areas look like?
    • How are buildings set out and designed?
    • How will new development address climate change?
    • How should we protect the natural environment?

    Help the Town understand what matters to you - the key issues and opportunities for change in Collingwood.
    The Town of Collingwood is updating its Official Plan. The Official Plan is the overall policy framework for how land is used in Collingwood and sets out the vision for our community over the next 20 years. The Plan is the guide for managing where, when and how the Town should grow. The Official Plan Update is being completed over the course of the next 14 months and will include many opportunities to be involved throughout.

    For more information please check the project web page
    Or contact: 705-445-1290

  • The Town of Collingwood has begun its Official Plan Update

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    In a special Council Workshop held on Tuesday, January 7, Councillors were asked for their thoughts and ideas as the Official Plan Update project gets underway. Staff and project consultants, recently retained by the Town, walked members of Council through the work program. The project will unfold through 2020 including several phases:

    • Developing our community land use and development vision,
    • issues identification, and
    • directions for planning policy

    before a draft plan Official Plan is completed and a final plan is submitted for Council approval.

    During an interactive discussion session members of Council shared their ideas and expectations about the Official Plan. “Collingwood has experienced rapid change in recent years and an updated Official Plan will help ensure that we are equipped with a land use vision and plan to guide us as we move forward,” said Mayor Saunderson who added, “I was impressed with the comments provided around the table and I’m looking forward to hearing what people in the community think.”

    Council approved a terms of reference for the project last year and has since retained The Planning Partnership, a consulting firm with extensive experience in municipal planning, to help lead the project. The work program sets out many opportunities for public involvement.

    The Official Plan guides land use planning in the community and addresses a wide range of issues such as where and how growth occurs, what neighbourhoods and buildings look like, where and how we work, shop and play and how we get around Town.

    A number of factors are driving the need to update the plan:

    • The Town has unique characteristics and needs to update its land use plan and vision for the future to help guide development.
    • The Town has approved many new plans in a wide range of areas and related content from those plans needs to be contained in the Official Plan to help shape how the community grows;
    • There were many changes to the Province of Ontario land use planning framework over the last year including to the Planning Act and a number of related pieces of legislation, the Provincial Policy Statement and the Growth Plan 2019. In Ontario, municipalities are required to conform to the land use planning framework set by the Province.

    For more information and to monitor project activities please visit the project webpage at:

Page last updated: 18 Jul 2024, 09:02 AM