Official Plan Update
Simcoe County approval of Town of Collingwood Official Plan
The Simcoe County Committee of the Whole passed the recommendation to approve the Collingwood Official Plan on September 10, 2024 (meeting agenda here). The recommendation is expected to be ratified by County Council on September 24, 2024, followed by a Notice of Decision and an appeal period.
County of Simcoe Staff Report CCW-2024-221 provides the details of the approval.
Committee of the Whole Council endorses Modifications to new Collingwood Official Plan - July 29, 2024
The Town of Collingwood and County of Simcoe have collaborated on modifications to the
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Simcoe County approval of Town of Collingwood Official Plan
The Simcoe County Committee of the Whole passed the recommendation to approve the Collingwood Official Plan on September 10, 2024 (meeting agenda here). The recommendation is expected to be ratified by County Council on September 24, 2024, followed by a Notice of Decision and an appeal period.
County of Simcoe Staff Report CCW-2024-221 provides the details of the approval.
Committee of the Whole Council endorses Modifications to new Collingwood Official Plan - July 29, 2024
The Town of Collingwood and County of Simcoe have collaborated on modifications to the Collingwood Official Plan.
The proposed modifications were endorsed by Council on July 29, 2024 (agenda link here) through Staff Report P2024-21.
The new Official Plan was initially adopted by Town Council on December 11, 2023, and requires approval by the County of Simcoe. It is anticipated that the approval of the modified Official Plan by County of Simcoe Council will occur in the fall of 2024.
If you would like to be notified of the decision by County of Simcoe Council, please send a request to the County Clerk at
New Official Plan adopted by Council December 11, 2023
- Collingwood Council adopted a new Official Plan on December 11, 2023. The new 2023 Official Plan is a visionary document that paves the way for sustainable growth and development. The Notice of Adoption is available here.
- Staff Report P2023-32 provides an overview of the final draft Official Plan, an Indigenous engagement record, all comments received on Draft 2 and a comment-response matrix, as well as a tracked-change version from the Draft 2 Official Plan.
- Council made five modifications to the new Official Plan prior to its adoption. To view these modifications, the consultation summary and next steps, please view the media release.
- For further information and updates on the New Official Plan, please subscribe to Official Plan Updates here.
- To be notified of a future County of Simcoe approval of the Town's Official Plan, please make a request to the County Clerk at
Think about Collingwood in 20 years…
Where will you live, work, and play? What will your neighbourhood look like?
How will you get around? What’s your community vision?
These questions and more will be explored in the Town of Collingwood’s Official Plan Update.
Get involved! Visit this page for updates.
What is an Official Plan?
The Official Plan is the overall policy for how land is used in Collingwood and will be the vision for our community over the next 20 years. The plan is the guide for the Town’s growth and directs where, when, and how growth should occur.
Why update the Official Plan?
The Planning Act requires the Town to update our Official Plan every five years to make sure that it is in line with Provincial and County plans, such as:
A Place to Grow: the Growth Plan for the Greater Golden Horseshoe
County of Simcoe Official Plan
In Ontario, the planning system is based on a ranking of plans. These plans change often and each time that a change is made, new content is added that gives new direction or changes the planning system. The Town has to make sure that our Official Plan is updated to match Provincial Plans and the County Official Plan.
The plan also needs to be updated to:
Integrate the content of other Town plans that have recently been approved or are soon to be approved with the Official Plan.
Update the Official Plan to provide Council with the tools they need to manage future growth.
How can I get involved?
There will be many chances for public input during the Official Plan update process and we want to hear your ideas! Please watch this page and Town social media for updates on how you can be involved.
If you have any questions, please submit an entry below.
If you would like to receive notice of meetings or decisions regarding the Official Plan Update, please subscribe to the mailing list.
Share What opportunity will we have to file an official plan amendment if the new OP has not designated our property according to our intended future plan for development? Will there be a moratorium on OP amendment applications once the new OP has been ratified? on Facebook Share What opportunity will we have to file an official plan amendment if the new OP has not designated our property according to our intended future plan for development? Will there be a moratorium on OP amendment applications once the new OP has been ratified? on Twitter Share What opportunity will we have to file an official plan amendment if the new OP has not designated our property according to our intended future plan for development? Will there be a moratorium on OP amendment applications once the new OP has been ratified? on Linkedin Email What opportunity will we have to file an official plan amendment if the new OP has not designated our property according to our intended future plan for development? Will there be a moratorium on OP amendment applications once the new OP has been ratified? link
What opportunity will we have to file an official plan amendment if the new OP has not designated our property according to our intended future plan for development? Will there be a moratorium on OP amendment applications once the new OP has been ratified?
Samuel Herschorn asked 7 months agoSite-specific Official Plan Amendment applications may be submitted to amend the Town's new Official Plan after it has been approved by the County of Simcoe. Approval by the County is anticipated to take at least 6 months from Council adoption in December 2023. Please reach out to Town Planning staff to submit a preconsultation application and arrange a meeting to discuss your intentions for your property (Nathan Wukasch, Senior Planner,
official plan amendmentsofficial plan amendments -
Share Why is the town planning to change Third/Ontario Street into a through street from Tenth Line to Pretty River Parkway? That does not seem appropriate or safe for an established residential area. Wouldn’t a by-pass around the town be more appropriate? Perhaps Poplar Sideroad might be a better choice. Would you consider leaving Third/Ontario Street as a safe residential street? on Facebook Share Why is the town planning to change Third/Ontario Street into a through street from Tenth Line to Pretty River Parkway? That does not seem appropriate or safe for an established residential area. Wouldn’t a by-pass around the town be more appropriate? Perhaps Poplar Sideroad might be a better choice. Would you consider leaving Third/Ontario Street as a safe residential street? on Twitter Share Why is the town planning to change Third/Ontario Street into a through street from Tenth Line to Pretty River Parkway? That does not seem appropriate or safe for an established residential area. Wouldn’t a by-pass around the town be more appropriate? Perhaps Poplar Sideroad might be a better choice. Would you consider leaving Third/Ontario Street as a safe residential street? on Linkedin Email Why is the town planning to change Third/Ontario Street into a through street from Tenth Line to Pretty River Parkway? That does not seem appropriate or safe for an established residential area. Wouldn’t a by-pass around the town be more appropriate? Perhaps Poplar Sideroad might be a better choice. Would you consider leaving Third/Ontario Street as a safe residential street? link
Why is the town planning to change Third/Ontario Street into a through street from Tenth Line to Pretty River Parkway? That does not seem appropriate or safe for an established residential area. Wouldn’t a by-pass around the town be more appropriate? Perhaps Poplar Sideroad might be a better choice. Would you consider leaving Third/Ontario Street as a safe residential street?
Joan Emmans asked about 2 years agoThe Town has heard the public concerns raised regarding Third Street. Please note that Third Street was identified as a collector road on the previous Official Plan, and is not proposed to change through this update. The work being undertaken currently on Third Street is for utility pole replacements, completed by EPCOR, which is scheduled this year and required to ensure reliable power distribution to local residents. Third Street road improvements will be completed by the Town in the future (5 to 10 years), and are anticipated to include underground infrastructure improvements, curbs, sidewalks, and bike lanes, but no additional laneways. The Town is committed to holding a public engagement session on the future plans of Third Street in the coming weeks. Updates on the date and time of this online session will be available soon and communicated to residents.
third streetthird street -
Share For such an important project the town is not giving people directly affected by the proposed changes the necessary amount of time required to review the plans and impact. on Facebook Share For such an important project the town is not giving people directly affected by the proposed changes the necessary amount of time required to review the plans and impact. on Twitter Share For such an important project the town is not giving people directly affected by the proposed changes the necessary amount of time required to review the plans and impact. on Linkedin Email For such an important project the town is not giving people directly affected by the proposed changes the necessary amount of time required to review the plans and impact. link
For such an important project the town is not giving people directly affected by the proposed changes the necessary amount of time required to review the plans and impact.
john harrison asked about 2 years agoOn August 2, 2022 the Town hosted two virtual Community Feedback and Information sessions to introduce the new draft 1 Official Plan to residents and gather initial feedback. The presentation and recordings of those sessions can be viewed on the Official Plan project page. Please submit written feedback to up until August 17, 2022.
Feedback / comments received up to August 17th will be taken into consideration when preparing Draft 2 of the Official Plan. Toward the end of summer / fall during the statutory phase of the process both a mandatory open house and public meeting will be held to further receive feedback from the public.
Share I am the owner of a property- vacant lot- on Beechwood Rd. ( on lake side) and I am interested on updates of the new Official Plan and of the Beachwood Rd. Secondary plan. Also, this message is to provide an input into the planning reviews : I know there have been some planning/building constraints because the water servicing but I would like to have a home on my lot even with restricted municipal services for now , ( if no other feasible way) and with the possibility to connect at the municipal services as soon as they become available. on Facebook Share I am the owner of a property- vacant lot- on Beechwood Rd. ( on lake side) and I am interested on updates of the new Official Plan and of the Beachwood Rd. Secondary plan. Also, this message is to provide an input into the planning reviews : I know there have been some planning/building constraints because the water servicing but I would like to have a home on my lot even with restricted municipal services for now , ( if no other feasible way) and with the possibility to connect at the municipal services as soon as they become available. on Twitter Share I am the owner of a property- vacant lot- on Beechwood Rd. ( on lake side) and I am interested on updates of the new Official Plan and of the Beachwood Rd. Secondary plan. Also, this message is to provide an input into the planning reviews : I know there have been some planning/building constraints because the water servicing but I would like to have a home on my lot even with restricted municipal services for now , ( if no other feasible way) and with the possibility to connect at the municipal services as soon as they become available. on Linkedin Email I am the owner of a property- vacant lot- on Beechwood Rd. ( on lake side) and I am interested on updates of the new Official Plan and of the Beachwood Rd. Secondary plan. Also, this message is to provide an input into the planning reviews : I know there have been some planning/building constraints because the water servicing but I would like to have a home on my lot even with restricted municipal services for now , ( if no other feasible way) and with the possibility to connect at the municipal services as soon as they become available. link
I am the owner of a property- vacant lot- on Beechwood Rd. ( on lake side) and I am interested on updates of the new Official Plan and of the Beachwood Rd. Secondary plan. Also, this message is to provide an input into the planning reviews : I know there have been some planning/building constraints because the water servicing but I would like to have a home on my lot even with restricted municipal services for now , ( if no other feasible way) and with the possibility to connect at the municipal services as soon as they become available.
Silviu asked over 1 year agoGood morning Silviu,
Thank you for your questions.
Please subscribe on the Official Plan Update Engage Page to receive updates on this project as they become available.
For more information on the Interim Control By-law (ICBL) related to servicing capacity allocation, please visit the ICBL Engage Page. If you are seeking a building permit for your property, please reach out to Senior Planner Nathan Wukasch at, for more information and to determine if you will need to submit an ICBL Exemption application before the current ICBL Exemption program closes on May 12, 2023.
subscribe icbl exemptionsubscribe icbl exemption
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Please note that the content and any personal information in comment submissions will become part of the public record and may be provided to Council in an agenda package available to the public. If you have concerns regarding the public release of your Official Plan comments, please contact Clerk Services at
Contact Us
For more information, contact the Planning Services Department:
Phone: 705-445-1290
Proposed Modifications to new Collingwood Official Plan - July 2024
Council Adopts New Official Plan
- Notice of Adoption - New Official Plan - Dec 20 2023 (357 KB) (pdf)
- Media Release
- New Collingwood Official Plan December 2023 - Adopted by Council as modified (24.7 MB) (pdf)
- New Official Plan Schedules Only (mapping) December 2023 as modified (3.74 MB) (pdf)
- New Official Plan Appendices I, II, III Only December 2023 (19.4 MB) (pdf)
Final Draft Official Plan for Council Adoption
- Staff Report P2023-32 - Adoption of new Official Plan
- Final Draft Official Plan (December 2023)
- Final Draft Official Plan - Map Schedules only (December 2023) (5.62 MB) (pdf)
- Final Draft Official Plan (tracked changes from Draft 2 - text only)
- Comment - Response Matrix
- Presentations OP Adoption December 11, 2023 (11.3 MB) (pdf)
Where are we in the process?
Start Up
Official Plan Update has finished this stage- Council Engagement
- Creating a Community Engagement Plan
- Detailed Process Planning
Community Visioning & Information Gathering
Official Plan Update has finished this stage- Community Workshop
- Public Engagement
Survey & Discussion Papers
Official Plan Update has finished this stage- Survey
- Refining Issues
- Completing Discussion Papers
- Further Public Engagement
Directions & Options
Official Plan Update has finished this stage- Draft Options & Directions
- Options & Directions Report
- Public Engagement
Draft Official Plan
Official Plan Update has finished this stage- Draft 1 of the New Official Plan Written
- Draft 1 presented to Council - July 11, 2022
- Draft 1 Public Review - Summer 2022
- Draft 2 presented to Council - July 31, 2023
- Draft 2 Available for Public Review - August/September 2023
- October 4, 2023 Open House (Notice)
- October 17, 2023 Statutory Public Meeting (Notice)
- Preparation of Final Draft Official Plan
Final Official Plan
Official Plan Update is currently at this stage- Final Draft Official Plan presented to Council December 11, 2023
- Town Council Adopted New Official Plan as modified - December 11, 2023
- County Council Approval (Date TBD in 2024)
Collingwood Official Plan DRAFT 2 for Consultation
- Presentation - Public Meeting - October 17, 2023 (Next Steps corrected) (6.85 MB) (pdf)
- Notice of Open House & Public Meeting Draft 2 Official Plan (106 KB) (pdf)
- Collingwood Official Plan DRAFT 2 (Text & Mapping) (36.2 MB) (pdf)
- Official Plan Draft 2 - Mapping Schedules Only (2.45 MB) (pdf)
- News Release - Draft 2 Official Plan Released (July 31, 2023)
- Council Presentation July 31, 2023 (3.75 MB) (pdf)
- Comment Response Matrix on Draft 1 Feedback (957 KB) (pdf)
Collingwood Official Plan Draft 1 for Consultation (June 2022)
Draft Options & Recommendations Report
Discussion Papers
- 0. COVID-19 Pandemic (2.41 MB) (pdf)
- 1. Growth Management (7.57 MB) (pdf)
- 2. Sustainable Development (3.02 MB) (pdf)
- 3. Housing Options (3.25 MB) (pdf)
- 4. Community Design (3.05 MB) (pdf)
- 5. Greenlands (Natural Areas & Parks) (30.5 MB) (pdf)
- 6. The Downtown and Waterfront (2.92 MB) (pdf)
- 7. Transportation (2.46 MB) (pdf)
- 8. Municipal Infrastructure (2.44 MB) (pdf)
2020 Community Consultation Presentations & Reports
Community Workshop Presentations (November 30 & December 1, 2020)
- Nov 30/Dec 1, 2020 Workshop Summary Memo (December 4, 2020).pdf (146 KB) (pdf)
- Growth Management Presentation.pdf (1.66 MB) (pdf)
- Sustainable Development Presentation.pdf (1.66 MB) (pdf)
- Housing Options Presentation.pdf (1.66 MB) (pdf)
- Community Design Presentation.pdf (1.66 MB) (pdf)
- Greenlands Presentation.pdf (1.66 MB) (pdf)
- The Downtown and Waterfront.pdf (1.48 MB) (pdf)
- Transportation Presentation.pdf (1.66 MB) (pdf)
- Municipal infrastructure Presentation.pdf (1.66 MB) (pdf)
2020 Community Consultations
- Presentation to Council (November 23, 2020) (980 KB) (pdf)
- What We Heard Report #2 - Survey (July, 2020) (6 MB) (pdf)
- What We Heard Report #1 (January - March, 2020) (464 KB) (pdf)
- Community Workshop Presentation (March 4, 2020) (1.04 MB) (pdf)
- Presentation to Downtown BIA Board of Management (February 13, 2020) (380 KB) (pdf)
- Council Workshop Presentation (January 7, 2020) (2.06 MB) (pdf)
Public Workshop Recordings (November 30 & December 1, 2020)
- Recording of the virtual public workshop held on November 30, 2020 on the topic of growth management.
- Recording of the virtual public workshop held on November 30, 2020 on the topic of sustainable development. ** The video commentary starts at the 2:00 minute mark.
- Recording of the virtual public workshop held on November 30, 2020 on the topic of housing options.
- Recording of the virtual public workshop held on November 30, 2020 on the topic of community design.
- Recording of the virtual public workshop held on December 1, 2020 on the topic of greenlands.