Terminals Point Project

Project category
Development, Growth & Economy
Project state
Grain Terminals in the Fall

Photo by Dave West Photography

Current Status:

On June 17th, 2024 following a presentation by Staff, Council approved the Town project team to execute the Definitive Documents with Streetcar & Dream (Grain Terminals Revitalization Inc.). The execution of the Definitive Documents is a required next step for the continued evolution of the Terminals Point Project and in achieving the goals that were previously established at the outset of this procurement. The Definitive Documents provide the legal framework for all aspects of the collaboration and are based on the previously executed Memorandum of Understanding.

Next Step:

A Due Diligence period will follow execution of the agreements where both parties will undertake further investigative and design work prior to closing. Additionally, the next step in the process will include active community education, engagement, and consultation which will help inform the design and establish a final concept for the lands. Stay tuned to Engage and the Town’s social media channels for information on upcoming events.

Highlights: Streetcar & Dream proposed vision

The final decision for the design of the Terminals and public areas will be highly informed by community input. However, Streetcar & Dream’s proposed vision includes the following highlights (refer to Concept Photos):

  1. Redeveloping Heritage Drive into four distinct areas that link together.
  2. Preserving and revitalizing the Terminals into a full-service hotel with restaurants and event spaces.
  3. Adding a residential condominium to the east of the Terminals.
  4. Creating public access to the top “bin floor” for views of Georgian Bay and downtown Collingwood.
  5. Enhancing the community’s access to the shoreline and water, creating new trails and walkways, lookouts and boardwalks.
  6. Creating space for shops.
  7. Transforming the Collingwood Harbour marine area.

About the project

The Collingwood Grain Terminals have a long history in our community. They are highly prominent and iconic. They have been unused since 1993, and for years, many have been wondering about their future.

Since 2019, Town Council has been taking action to consider the options to revitalize the Terminals. The costs for the Town to revitalize the Terminals are more than taxpayers can afford. As such, Council approved entering into a private-sector partnership, which opens the door for the Town to do more for the community. It achieve three critical goals:

  1. It ensures the Town maintains ownership of the majority of the lands.
  2. It gives the Town authority to set expectations and hold private partners to account.
  3. It brings greater value for taxpayers’ dollars because it leverages private investment to upgrade and enhance public spaces and meet community needs.

Based on community input, Council approved a set of 16 Guiding Principles to form the basis of a partnership. In 2021, Town staff went to tender to find a potential partner to work with the Town on the revitalization project.

In August 2022, Streetcar and Dream was chosen as the successful company for this partnership because their proposed vision has the greatest alignment with the Guiding Principles.



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