Q: I’m encouraged to see that ensuring public access to the waterfront and amenities are paramount in this redevelopment project. It is important to recognize and plan for the fact that residents and visitors need to access this area by automobile. Redevelopment plans need to include a big increase in the number of parking spots. Are elevated parking structures being considered in addition to below ground and single level surface parking for the public? kimtr asked.
Thank you for your question. Yes, the need to increase the number of parking spots has been identified. In our News Feed there is a post from March 27th, 2023 labelled "Grain Terminals Vision Unveiled", which includes a presentation. This presentation shows were additional surface and underground parking is being considered, but not elevated parking structures.
Please note that this presentation does not represent the final design. The final design may be impacted by additional consultation & engagement, further site investigations, and the statutory approval processes.
Q: Any further updates re progress from council or Streetcar? Kerry Baskey Kerry Baskey asked.
Council has directed staff to prepare a by-law for Council's public consideration to authorize the approval of the Terminals Point Definitive Documents, (agreements). Council has also directed staff to proceed to public engagement and consultation pending approval of the by-law. We hope to provide a further update on the status of the project by mid-June.
Q: I thought Collingwood restricted buildings to 6 stories. The plans for the Terminals is well about that level. What's the scoop? 18home72@gmail.com asked.
The Town’s Zoning By-law regulates the maximum permitted heights of buildings in the Town of Collingwood – the permitted height of any given building is based on the zoning for that property.
The Town’s new Official Plan recently adopted by Council (but not yet approved by the County of Simcoe) contains policies related to low-, mid-, and high-rise buildings that, if approved by the County, would be implemented through a new Zoning By-law, which the Town is initiating work on this year.
Existing buildings constructed prior to the current Zoning By-law coming into effect (April 12, 2010) would be considered non-conforming.
Should someone wish to construct a building that exceeds the maximum permitted height on a property, they can apply for a Zoning By-law Amendment, which is subject to public consultation as required for under the Planning Act. Council is the approval authority for Zoning By-law Amendments.
Regarding the Grain Terminals, the existing structure surpasses 6 stories. The final design of the project is pending, but the proposed height exceeds the 6 stories. This project will be subject to the same Private Approvals process, and policies, as any other project would be within the Town of Collingwood.
Q: Good day I’d like to know what is to happen to the personal bricks that were purchased to line part of the walk way near the water? I have 2 personalized bricks that if they are to be removed, I wish to have them back Melissa Townes asked.
The detailed design for the project is not yet finalized for the trail system. If the design evolves to the point where existing commemorative features are disturbed, they will either be returned or incorporated into the new design.
Q: How does this project fall under the 4 storey building height limit and how will the already busy road leading to the terminals be handled with increased residential traffic? Laura asked.
Thank you for your inquiry and interest in the Grain Terminals Revitalization Project. The existing structure does currently exceed four stories. This development will be subject to all the mandatory planning processes and approvals, which include heights considerations.
Regarding the road, we recognize that these improvements will result in more traffic to this area. This is something that will be investigated further and addressed in the planning and detailed design stage of the project that will take place over the next two years.
Q: Would the name “Harbor Place” be considered for the new revitalized Terminals ? Has a more modern sound and is not a duplicate of a Toronto name or an existing condo development in Collingwood Craigleith Michael asked.
Hi Michael,
Thank you for the interest in the Grain Terminals Revitalization Project and for taking the time to provide your thoughts on the proposed new project names.
The four options provided in the survey are based on extensive research, including the history of the site. The survey does provide a high-level description/reasoning behind the proposed names, please see those for additional information about why these four options were chosen. The selected name (through this community survey) would simply replace the project name “Grain Terminals Revitalization Project” to ensure the project title speaks to the many public space improvements that will be part of the development. The project name will not automatically name the final development or the lands.
Q: How tall is the terminal Neil asked.
The very top of the Grain Terminals Shipping Tower (the highest point) is currently approximately 200 feet above grade.
Q: The concept is exciting! Has any thought been given to planning for the opportunity for the cruise ships to stop in Collingwood? There seems to be a couple of companies that offer Great Lake Tours. Susan asked.
Thank you for your positive feedback and insightful suggestions! An extensive public consultation will take place in 2023 and we encourage you to participate!
Q: THis is an exciting proposal. I'm personally very happy that a long disused white elephant will (might?) see a useful future. I felt there was an important element missing from the presentation to Council: namely details on ownership. I see from the reply below that that is coming soon in the MOU. I feel that was an important element missing from the presentation, and should be discussed publicly before getting set in concrete. I sincerely hope that Streetcar takes complete ownership of the Terminals, but not Millenium Park or Heritage way. I'd gladly let them have it for $1, provided that they assume all future liability for the structure, and that the Town is properly protected with a surety in the event that the project ever falls into financial collapse. John Megarry asked.
Thank you for your positive feedback. There will be additional information forthcoming on the proposed ownership structure for the Terminals once the MOU has been endorsed by Council. The MOU is anticipated to be presented to Committee/Council in June 2023.
Q: Just wondering what the plan will be for the public boat launch during all of these proposed renovations? There is already a short season with very limited parking for day launch users. The launch at cranberry is nowhere near sufficient enough (zero parking) to be used as an alternative. Kelly Botting asked.
Thank you for your interest. The Town and the Developer will be coordinating access to the spit for stakeholders and the public as the design and construction planning proceeds. Certainly there will be times throughout the construction phases when access may be restricted, however best efforts will be made to respect the seasonal uses to the extent possible.
Q: Did I read that the condo tower was to be 28 stories? How is this appropriate for the area? I fear this will be yet another development that benefits the developer and ruins the local population's current enjoyment of the waterfront, including the swimming area. Terri McDougall asked.
Thank you for your question. The proposed residential component is approximately 7 storeys taller than the existing Shipping Tower. The configuration and height of the proposed development will be subject to planning and land use approvals. A fundamental requirement of the development is that public access to the waterfront and amenities is paramount.
Q: What are you doing for parking? Tim McNabb asked.
Thank you for your interest. The conceptual design proposes a combination of below ground and surface parking to support private and public interests. More details regarding parking will be available as the design detail progresses as it will be informed through the public consultation process.
Q: Plans so far look fantastic! It would be great if we could consider having WeWork manage the event space on floor 10 and the Marine Tower so small businesses and entrepreneurs can have a hub + affordable and flexible workspace in the region! WeWork often collaborates with landlords of historic buildings, whoever that will be. CamStory asked.
Thank you for your positive feedback and insightful suggestion! An extensive public consultation will be taking place in Summer 2023 and we encourage you to participate!
Q: is there pedestrian transport planned? a elevated enclosed gondola style would seem to befit this project. don asked.
Automated pedestrian transport is not currently included in the concept design. An extensive community engagement process is forthcoming where these types of great ideas will be collected.
Q: Who will own the Hotel? Is this being built and paid for my the town and the put up for sale or does streetcar build and own it…? Who owns the condo tower (is it streetcar development who will build and sell the condo as they would any other condo development)? Will the planning phase determine ultimate size of the condo tower component or is 8 stories approved and set in stone? Thank you Mboyer1960 asked.
This information is currently subject to confidentiality requirements pending finalization of the MOU. Further details will follow.
The height of the residential tower proposed is subject to Planning approvals.
Q: Would be great to see some of the space atop the silos reserved for entrepreneurship, technology, and co working space. We need more innovators visiting and building their businesses in the Georgian Bay region! Seems like a great opportunity to atleast attract tech conferences / retreats from the Toronto and Waterloo areas to Collingwood. CamStory asked.
Thank you for your insightful comments! An extensive public consultation will be taking place and we encourage you to participate! More details are to be announced on the Engage page soon!
Q: Would love to see the Town of Collingwood develop their waterfront area similar to the Blue Mountain village area - restaurants, pubs, and shops surrounding a central stage btyssen asked.
The Town is currently proceeding with an open market competition encouraging developers to bring forward their vision for the project. As part of this process, Council has directed that the Terminals landmark is to remain on the spit in some form. This is not intended to be overly restrictive on the visioning process but does set an expectation that the cultural heritage values of Collingwood’s industrial waterfront is respected.
Q: When I walk out to Millennium Park I am struck by the incredible views of the Bay and escarpment. These views rival the best views of the Blue Mountain Village. If Collingwood could take the grain terminals down, surely the land could be utilized to bring even more tourists to the area. Possibilities: stage and central square shopping and restaurants similar to BMV, boat shuttles to Thornbury and Meaford (parallel to Georgian Trail), bay boat rides, ferris wheel with incredible views, historical museum or walking story boards highlighting the history of Collingwood - indigenous heritage, shipyards, grain terminals, attractions to bring people in with the spin-off benefit of bringing people to downtown Collingwood. Give the developers full creative freedom and a clean page with the Grain Terminals removed and ability to include the park. Who can I talk with to discuss more detail? Thanks btyssen asked.
Thank you for your thoughts on opportunities for the future of the Terminals, Millennium Park and Heritage Drive. You are quite correct that the vista from Millennium Park and various vantage points along the spit are incredible.
The Town is currently proceeding with an open market competition encouraging developers to bring forward their vision for the project. As part of this process, Council has directed that the Terminals landmark is to remain on the spit in some form. This is not intended to be overly restrictive on the visioning process but does set an expectation that the cultural heritage values of Collingwood’s industrial waterfront is respected.
As the vision unfolds, there will be further opportunities for public engagement. We expect that the final proposals will be received and evaluated against the stated project objectives by August of 2022.
Continue to monitor this Engage Collingwood page for regular updates on the project.