Community Climate Action Plan

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The Town of Collingwood recognizes that it plays a role in maintaining a healthy environment and a sustainable future. Collingwood Council unanimously declared a Climate Crisis in October 2019 to demonstrate the Town’s commitment to protecting the community, economy, and ecosystems from the effects of climate change.

In Collingwood, climate change risks could include, but are not limited to, human health concerns, social equity risks, biodiversity loss, increased presence of invasive species, reduced water quality, increased natural disasters, economic challenges, and infrastructure damage.

Collingwood's Commitments:

In response to Collingwood’s Climate Crisis declaration, the Town joined The Partners for Climate Protection (PCP) program, which outlines a five milestone framework to guide municipalities through acknowledging and reducing emissions produced from corporate operations and community sources.

To date, the Town of Collingwood has achieved recognition for Corporate Milestones 1 through 3 and Community Milestone 1.

  • Corporate Milestone 1 illustrated that in 2019, the Town of Collingwood produced approximately 3,370 tonnes of carbon dioxide equivalent (tCO2e) from corporate operations. The Greener Collingwood Corporate Climate Change Action Plan serves as the framework for the Town to follow to reduce corporate greenhouse gas emissions by a minimum of 30% below 2019 levels by 2030. This plan and the goals within satisfy the requirements of the PCP program's milestones 2 and 3.
  • Community Milestone 1 illustrated that in 2019 community emissions were estimated to be 207,218 tCO2e. Community Milestones 2 and 3 are in progress.

Next Steps:

Work has begun on a Community Climate Change Action Plan that will provide solutions on how the community as a whole can work together to reduce greenhouse gas emissions and adapt to climate change.

Public engagement on the Community Climate Action Plan is coming soon to ensure resident and visitor feedback is integrated into the final plan.

Subscribe to the project to stay updated on public engagement opportunities.

Subscribe to this project to stay up to date on community engagement sessions coming soon!

The Town of Collingwood recognizes that it plays a role in maintaining a healthy environment and a sustainable future. Collingwood Council unanimously declared a Climate Crisis in October 2019 to demonstrate the Town’s commitment to protecting the community, economy, and ecosystems from the effects of climate change.

In Collingwood, climate change risks could include, but are not limited to, human health concerns, social equity risks, biodiversity loss, increased presence of invasive species, reduced water quality, increased natural disasters, economic challenges, and infrastructure damage.

Collingwood's Commitments:

In response to Collingwood’s Climate Crisis declaration, the Town joined The Partners for Climate Protection (PCP) program, which outlines a five milestone framework to guide municipalities through acknowledging and reducing emissions produced from corporate operations and community sources.

To date, the Town of Collingwood has achieved recognition for Corporate Milestones 1 through 3 and Community Milestone 1.

  • Corporate Milestone 1 illustrated that in 2019, the Town of Collingwood produced approximately 3,370 tonnes of carbon dioxide equivalent (tCO2e) from corporate operations. The Greener Collingwood Corporate Climate Change Action Plan serves as the framework for the Town to follow to reduce corporate greenhouse gas emissions by a minimum of 30% below 2019 levels by 2030. This plan and the goals within satisfy the requirements of the PCP program's milestones 2 and 3.
  • Community Milestone 1 illustrated that in 2019 community emissions were estimated to be 207,218 tCO2e. Community Milestones 2 and 3 are in progress.

Next Steps:

Work has begun on a Community Climate Change Action Plan that will provide solutions on how the community as a whole can work together to reduce greenhouse gas emissions and adapt to climate change.

Public engagement on the Community Climate Action Plan is coming soon to ensure resident and visitor feedback is integrated into the final plan.

Subscribe to the project to stay updated on public engagement opportunities.

  • Collingwood Receives $200,000 to Support GHG Reduction in Municipal Facilities

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    The Town of Collingwood was the successful recipient of a $200,000 grant through the Federation of Canadian Municipalities (FCM) Community Building Retrofit Program, under the Green Municipal Fund to complete a Greenhouse Gas (GHG) Reduction Pathway Feasibility Study. The study, which was completed in 2023, included a thorough review of 42 Town-owned and operated facilities and explored measures to reduce building emissions.

    “Thanks to this funding, our consultants and staff were able to identify opportunities to help us achieve our greenhouse gas reduction goals. Council looks forward to receiving the report in the coming months,” says Mayor Yvonne Hamlin. “I’m extremely proud of the steps we are taking and leading by example for the community.”

    This project follows and supports the actions identified in the Greener Collingwood Corporate Climate Change Action Plan, passed by Council in April 2023, with a goal of reducing overall corporate GHG emissions by a minimum of 30% below 2019 levels by 2030.

    The total cost of the study was $250,000, with the Town contributing $50,000 (20% of total project costs) which was included in the 2023 budget. The project team in partnership with consultants, WalterFedy, will be presenting the results to Council in the coming months.

    In October 2019, Collingwood Council declared a Climate Crisis to demonstrate the Town’s commitment to protecting the community, economy, and ecosystems from the effects of climate change.

    Stay tuned for upcoming engagement opportunities for the Community Climate Action Plan throughout 2024. Don’t miss out! Subscribe to receive Town of Collingwood News & Notices directly to your inbox.

    About FCM

    The Federation of Canadian Municipalities has been the national voice of municipal government since 1901 and represents more than 92 percent of all Canadians from coast to coast to coast. FCM advocates for municipalities to be sure their citizens' needs are reflected in federal policies and programs.

    The Green Municipal Fund is one of the many programs offered by FCM, which exists to enhance the quality of life for people in Canada by accelerating a transformation to resilient, net-zero communities. It provides grants, loans, innovative financing, leveraged investments, capacity building, and strategic support.

    FCM Media Release

  • Collingwood Acheives Milestones 2 & 3 of the Partners for Climate Protection Program

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    Following the adoption of the Greener Collingwood Corporate Climate Change Action Plan by Council on April 17, 2023, Collingwood has received recognition for the successful completion of Corporate Milestone 2 and Corporate Milestone 3 of the Partners for Climate Protection (PCP) Program.

    In October 2019, Collingwood declared a Climate Crisis and joined the PCP Program to guide the municipality through the creation and implementation of Local Climate Action Plans, with the intention of implementing lasting and environmentally sustainable changes.

    Corporate Milestone 1 of the PCP program highlighted that in 2019, the Town of Collingwood produced 3,370 tonnes of CO2 equivalents (tCO2e) in 2019, and in a business-as-usual scenario, emissions are expected to reach 4,422 tCO2e by 2030. Milestones 2 and 3 require municipalities to set Greenhouse Gas Emissions (GHG) reduction targets and create a Local Climate Action Plan. The Town completed Milestones 2 and 3 concurrently which resulted in the development and adoption of the Greener Collingwood Corporate Climate Change Action Plan. The Greener Collingwood Plan outlines nineteen corporate actions for the
    Town to achieve the following visions:

    • Integrate climate change and sustainability into the Town’s corporate culture,
    • Reduce GHGs by a minimum of 30% below 2019 levels by 2030, and
    • Become a corporate and municipal leader in sustainability initiatives and GHG reduction measures in the region.

    Under the Plan, Corporate Actions are outlined under the categories of:

    • Buildings & Facilities (Goal: Reduce building emissions by 50% in 10 years and 80% in 20 years)
    • Transportation & Fleet (Goal: Reduce light-duty and heavy-duty fleet emissions by 30% by 2030)
    • Waste (Goal: Reduce waste (and associated emissions) by 20% by 2030)
    • Environment & Biodiversity (Goal: Enhance and protect Collingwood’s natural environment)
    • Behaviour and Culture Change (Goal: Integrate climate change and sustainability into the Town’s corporate culture)

    The Town of Collingwood will continue to progress through the five Corporate Milestones of the PCP program between now and 2030.

    In addition to the Corporate Milestones, the Town has received recognition for the successful completion of Community Milestone 1, which identified that all GHG emissions produced within Town boundaries from residents, tourism, and businesses was estimated to be 207,218 tCO2e in 2019.

    “I am extremely proud of Collingwood for the headway we are making to reduce our climate footprint now and, in the future,” says Mayor Yvonne Hamlin. “I look forward to hearing from the community on what kind of changes we can make together through the development of the Community Climate Action Plan.” Development of the Community Climate Action Plan will commence shortly.

    Visit the Town booth at the Collingwood Downtown Farmer’s Market on July 8th and at Sidelaunch Days on August 12th and 13th to speak with members of Council and the Town’s Climate Change Specialist, Nicole Yardy.

    For more information on climate action in Collingwood or to access the full Corporate plan, please visit:

  • Council Adopts Greener Collingwood Corporate Climate Action Plan

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    At its meeting held April 17, 2023, Council adopted the Greener Collingwood Corporate Climate Change Action Plan, setting a clear vision and attainable actions for the Town to achieve to reduce the Corporation’s overall carbon footprint. As part of the Town’s commitment to combat climate change, a Community Climate Action Plan will also be created through a collaborative approach with key stakeholders and residents.

    Following the Town of Collingwood’s declaration of a Climate Crisis in October 2019, the Town joined the Partners for Climate Protection (PCP) Program to guide the municipality through the creation and implementation of Local Climate Action Plans, with the intention of implementing lasting and environmentally sustainable changes. By adopting this Corporate Plan, the Town is positioned to satisfy Corporate Milestones 2 and 3 of the PCP Program.

    The Corporate Climate Change Action Plan aims to explore and reduce greenhouse gas (GHG) emissions associated with activities controlled and managed by the municipality (baselined at 3,370 tonnes of GHG per year), while the Community Climate Action Plan encompass all GHG emissions produced within Town boundaries from residents, tourism, and businesses (baselined at 207,218 tonnes of GHG per year).

    The Greener Collingwood Corporate Climate Change Action Plan’s visions includes:

    • Integrate climate change and sustainability into the Town of Collingwood’s corporate culture,
    • Reduce greenhouse gas emissions by a minimum of 30% below 2019 levels by 2030, and
    • Become a corporate and municipal leader in sustainability initiatives and greenhouse gas reduction measures in the region.

    Under the Plan, Corporate Actions are outlined under the categories of:

    • Buildings & Facilities (Goal: Reduce building emissions by 50% in 10 years and 80% in 20 years)
    • Transportation & Fleet (Goal: Reduce light-duty and heavy-duty fleet emissions by 30% by 2030)
    • Waste (Goal: Reduce waste (and associated emissions) by 20% by 2030)
    • Environment & Biodiversity (Goal: Enhance and protect Collingwood’s natural environment)
    • Behaviour and Culture Change (Goal: Integrate climate change and sustainability into the Town’s corporate culture)

    In order to ensure resources are allocated to the biggest and most impactful areas, the Town has applied for grant funding through the Federation of Canadian Municipalities to complete a GHG Reduction Pathway Feasibility Study, which will identify projects to reduce GHG emissions associated with 42 municipally owned buildings. To further address transportation and fleet emissions, a Metrolinx transportation study is planned for 2024 to examine opportunities to decarbonize Collingwood’s bus and heavy-duty vehicle fleets.

    In addition to the actions identified in the Greener Collingwood Plan, the Town continues to promote and deliver a variety of ‘green’ initiatives to promote sustainability, some of which are listed below:

    • Canopy Collingwood Program – 2023 will mark the third year of the Canopy Collingwood Program. Collingwood residents will be provided a financial incentive in the form of a rebate on the purchase of up to two trees from a recognized nursery or garden centre operation, or the materials required to establish a pollinator garden on private property. Details on the 2023 program will be available soon!
    • Community Cleanup Days – April 22 – May 9 are Collingwood Community Clean-up Days. Join this year’s efforts to help keep Collingwood litter-free. Community Clean-Up Days 2023 will begin on Earth Day, April 22nd, and continue until May 9th, the Provincial Day of Action on Litter. Learn more:
    • Enhanced Urban Stream Health Monitoring in partnership with the Nottawasaga Valley Conservation Authority - There are four major watercourses that flows through the town – Silver Creek, Black Ash Creek, Pretty River, and Batteaux River. These beautiful and valuable natural resources provide recreation for local residents and provides habitat for wildlife. Healthy rivers keep our harbour clean, helps build local economies and helps boost tourism in Collingwood. Our rivers are also essential green infrastructure for containing rain and snowmelt, diluting sewage effluent, and they also offer flood protection to the urban areas of our town. Learn more about this project:

    For more information on climate action in Collingwood or to access the full plan, please visit:

  • Collingwood Residents Invited to Participate in Earth Day Event and Community Clean Up Days

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    Every April 22nd, Earth Day is celebrated globally, a time to join together and take collective action to protect the planet. This year, the Town of Collingwood in partnership with the Collingwood Climate Action Team (CCAT) will be hosting an Earth Day Flag Raising at 10:00 a.m. followed by an Earth Day Fair.

    Collingwood’s 2023 Earth Day flag, designed by CCI student Gabriela Vara Molino, will be unveiled and raised by the Mayor, who will also make a proclamation. The second annual Earth Day Flag Competition, organized by CCAT in partnership with the Collingwood Youth Centre, invited Collingwood youth to showcase their creativity and share their message for Earth Day through a flag design competition.

    The flag raising will be held at the Community flagpole (55 Ste. Marie Street) at 10:00 a.m. followed by the Earth Day Fair which will take place outdoors at the Collingwood Museum (45 St. Paul Street) from 10:30 a.m. to 1:00 p.m.

    “Come enjoy Earth Day themed games, crafts, and family activities; measure your household carbon footprint with CCAT and learn about how you can reduce your footprint, and children can learn about their carbon footprint with a fun learning activity,” says Collingwood Climate Action Team.

    “Collingwood’s Poet Laureate, Jillian Morris, will share an Earth Day Poem and local youth will also perform songs and poetry. Live music will be performed by Joanna Horning who will be playing from her Children’s Album Little Tracks-Songs from the Forest; Joanna will be accompanied by teachers from the Collingwood School of Music.”

    Meet members of Council and learn about the Town’s Corporate Climate Change Action Plan. Local environmental organizations including Blue Mountain Watershed Trust, Friends of Silver Creek, the Nature League, the Escarpment Corridor Alliance, Protect Our Winters, Pollinate Collingwood and the Nottawasaga Valley Conservation Authority (NVCA) will also be on site to engage with residents on their green initiatives.

    Earth Day kicks off Community Clean-up Days which runs from April 22nd to May 9th. Community Clean-up Days is an invitation to everyone, individually or in a group to clean up areas of Collingwood, to remove trash from green spaces, along waterways or in the community. For more information and a map of drop off locations visit

    To participate in Community Clean-up days residents can pick up garbage bags and gloves during the Earth Day event and from the Collingwood Public Library, 55 Ste. Marie Street or at Town Hall, 97 Hurontario Street, during regular business hours beginning April 19th until May 10th.

    Please review the safety tips located on the Community-Clean-up Days webpage and put safety first, protecting yourself and others from harm.

    Let’s gather together as a community and invest in our planet; join us in taking part in the largest environmental movement on Earth! For more information on the Earth Day Fair visit:

  • Corporate Climate Change Action Plan Update

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    At the April 3, 2023 meeting, the Corporate & Community Services Standing Committee received a staff report and thorough presentation on the Corporate Climate Change Action Plan.

    The Committee supported staff’s recommendation that Council consider adopting a greenhouse gas reduction target of a minimum 30% below 2019 levels by 2030 to satisfy milestone 2 of the Partners for Climate Protection Program; and that Council adopt the Greener Collingwood Corporate Climate Change Action Plan, including the vision and actions identified therein, as the Town of Collingwood’s local corporate climate action plan.

    Following the Town of Collingwood’s declaration of a Crisis in October 2019, the Town joined the Partners for Climate Protection (PCP) Program to guide the municipality through the creation and implementation of Local Climate Action Plans, with the intention of implementing lasting and environmentally sustainable changes.

    In addition to joining the PCP program, the Town has piloted, implemented, and participated in a variety of ‘green’ and sustainability initiatives including hiring a Climate Change Specialist in 2021 to develop and implement corporate and community climate change action plans for Collingwood. These actions also led Council to pass an initial resolution on September 19th, 2022, to reduce corporate greenhouse gas emissions by at least 20% below 2019 levels by 2030.

    The Corporate Climate Change Action Plan aims to explore and reduce greenhouse gas emissions associated with activities controlled and managed by the municipality (baselined at 3,370 tonnes of GHG per year), while the Community Climate Action Plan encompass all GHG emissions produced within Town boundaries from residents, tourism, and businesses (baselined at 207,218 tonnes of GHG per year).

    Under the Corporate Climate Change Action Plan, Corporate Actions are outlined under the categories of:

    • Buildings & Facilities (Goal: Reduce building emissions by 50% in 10 years and 80% in 20 years)
    • Transportation & Fleet (Goal: Reduce light-duty and heavy-duty fleet emissions by 30% by 2030)
    • Waste (Goal: Reduce waste (and associated emissions) by 20% by 2030)
    • Environment & Biodiversity (Goal: Enhance and protect Collingwood’s natural environment)
    • Behaviour and Culture Change (Goal: Integrate climate change and sustainability into the Town’s corporate culture)


    • Grant through FCM’s Green Municipal Fund for a maximum of $200,000 to cover up to 80% of eligible costs
    • $50,000 included in 2023 budget (Town contribution)

    Pending approval from FCM, these funds combined will pay for the Greenhouse Gas Emission Reduction Feasibility Study.

    The Staff Report will be before Council at their April 17th meeting for final decision. The report can be viewed at:

    To contact members of Council with comments or concerns, please visit the Council page for contact information:

  • Collingwood Expands its EV Charging Station Network

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    The Town of Collingwood is expanding its commitment to green initiatives with the installation of four electric vehicle (EV) charging stations in the Ste Marie Street parking lot adjacent to the Eddie Bush Memorial Arena. This is in addition to six EV charging stations that were installed in the Pine Street parking lot in 2021.

    The recent installation was made possible through funding from National Resources Canada (NRCan), and a Federal Development Agency (RT07) grant. EPCOR, the electricity provider for the Town of Collingwood, facilitated the distribution of federal funding and provided technical assistance on the installation.

    There are four chargers in the Ste Marie St parking lot, bringing the Town’s total to 10 charging stations. The new installation includes two Level 3 fast chargers and two Level 2 chargers. The rates for charging are $1.75/ hour for Level 2 and $0.35/ minute for Level 3. All rates are inclusive of parking and are subject to change based on operating and maintenance costs. Under Collingwood By-law No. 2020-050 only Electric Vehicles are permitted in these parking spaces, and they must be charging when parked.

    As of December 2022, the charging stations in the Pine Street parking lot have been used for 1,247 charging events and have generated a diversion of approximately 8,740 litres of fuel, or 19,492 kilograms of CO2.

  • Collingwood Encourages Everyone to Go Green with EV Charging Stations

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    The Town of Collingwood is accelerating its green initiatives by installing a bank of charging stations in the Pine Street parking lot, encouraging everyone to go green. The Town was successful in a joint application through Natural Resources Canada with other municipalities and the County of Simcoe, to receive $120,000 to help fund the installation of these charging stations.

    There are two Level 3 (fast chargers), and two dual-port Level 2 chargers for a total of six parking/charging spots. The rates are currently $0.25 per minute for Level 3 charging and $0.75 per hour for Level 2 charging. These rates are subject to change based on operating/maintenance costs.

    Under Collingwood By-law No. 2020-050 only Electric Vehicles are permitted in these parking spaces, and they must be charging when parked. The rate for charging is inclusive of parking.

    The charging stations soft opened for public use in December 2021. The usage statistics collected until the end of May show there have been 262 charging events. Staff estimate that the use of these chargers have resulted in a diversion of 1,630 litres of fuel. Based on this amount of fuel, it is estimated this has resulted in a diversion of 3,685 kg of CO2.

    Learn more about Electric Vehicles (EVs) and E-Bikes
    Collingwood Climate Action Team is planning an 'Electrify Your Ride' EVent on Thursday, June 16, from 6:00 p.m. – 8:00 p.m. in the Pine Street parking lot. They will have EVs and E-Bikes on site for the public to view and ask questions of the riders/drivers. For more information on this event please email or visit

  • Collingwood Kicks off Community Clean-Up Days with Earth Day Event

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    From April 22nd to May 10th Collingwood Community Clean-up Days encourages everyone take action on litter. We all play a role in caring for our community and planet. While you are out for a walk, visiting a park or cycling the trails, please consider bringing a bag to collect garbage or recycling and take part in Collingwood’s annual clean-up.

    To kick off this year’s Community Clean-up days, the Town will host a Community Earth Day Event starting with a flag raising at 2:45 p.m. followed by Conversations with Council and a Community Clean-up, next Friday, April 22nd. The flag raising and Conversations with Council will be held at the Community flagpole, Library/Municipal Offices, 55 Ste. Marie Street.

    Members of the community are invited to come chat with Council members about green initiatives and other municipal matters of interest. Nicole Yardy, Climate Action Specialist along with Environmental Services staff will be on hand to provide information and discuss the Town’s actions, events, and programs, including but not limited to the Town's Energy Conservation & Demand Management Plan, development of an inventory of corporate greenhouse gas (GHG) emissions and Collingwood’s Rain Barrel program.

    We are also excited to have the following organizations participating in the event: Collingwood Climate Action Team, Pollinate Collingwood, Georgian Bay Forever, Blue Mountain Watershed Trust, Nature League, CCI Gaia Club, and more.

    To participate in Community Clean-up days residents can pick-up garbage or recycling bags and gloves during the Earth Day event and also from the Collingwood Public Library, 55 Ste Marie Street or at Town Hall, 97 Hurontario Street, during regular business hours beginning Tuesday, April 19th until May 10th.

    When you are finished, garbage bags or recycling bags can be left at one of our three drop off locations, including Harbourview Park, Heritage Park Skateboard Park or Millennium Park. Please visit for a map of the exact location. You can also place garbage or recycling bags beside bins located along trails or in parks.

    We have included a list of safety tips on the Collingwood Community Clean-up Days webpage. As you plan your community clean-up please put safety first, consider your location, dress for the weather, protect yourself and others from harm.

    Plastic bags, food wrappers, disposable masks, containers and so many other items litter our trails, parks, and shoreline. Please consider joining your neighbors in helping to make Collingwood litter free.

    Our environment is fundamental to our health, well-being, and economy. Collingwood prides itself on its natural beauty, our waterfront, and green spaces. From Earth Day (April 22) to the Provincial Day of Action on Litter (May 10), please consider giving your time to help clean-up Collingwood. Together we can make a difference.

  • Collingwood Achieves Milestone by Measuring Local Greenhouse Gas Emissions and Energy Use

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    The Town of Collingwood has completed Corporate Milestone 1 of the Partners for Climate Protection (PCP) program by collecting data and developing an inventory of corporate greenhouse gas (GHG) emissions. PCP is a network of Canadian municipal governments that have committed to reducing GHG emissions and protecting our climate. Achieving Milestone 1 is an important first step that helps the municipality take action to lower both energy costs and GHG emissions.

    In 2019, the Town of Collingwood emitted 3,323 tonnes of CO2 emissions (tCO2e) from corporate operations. By baselining 2019 data, we can now work towards setting reduction targets for 2030 and 2050 to reduce our impact on climate change and the environment.

    Completing corporate milestone 1 also advances and supports the objective of preserving the Town’s environment and taking action on climate change outlined in Collingwood’s Community Based Strategic Plan.

    "Situated on the southern shores of Georgian Bay at the foot of the Niagara Escarpment, our community is rich in natural beauty and amenities. From a vibrant waterfront and lush greenspaces to accessible parks and an incredible trail system. This is an important first step for our town to reduce green house gas emissions from our municipal buildings and operations," says Mayor Brian Saunderson. "Sustainability is a priority for our community as identified in our Community Based Strategic Plan and our commitment to champion UN Sustainable Development Goal 11, to build communities that are safe, inclusive, resilient, and sustainable. We now have a starting point and are committed to reducing our greenhouse gas emissions and protecting our spectacular natural environment."

    GHG inventories collect data on the greenhouse gases generated mainly by burning fossil fuels for energy and decomposing organic waste in landfills. This data is tracked separately in two types of inventory: a community inventory for residents and businesses, and a corporate inventory for municipal government facilities and operations. An inventory will help the Town of Collingwood identify and implement measures to improve energy efficiency and reduce GHG emissions. It provides a valuable reference point for setting emissions reduction targets, and for forecasting and tracking improvements over time.

    As a member of the PCP program, the Town of Collingwood is among over 450 municipal governments across Canada taking a leadership role and making a significant contribution to reducing Canada’s overall GHG emissions. In 2018, PCP member municipalities voluntarily reported over 160 projects to reduce GHG emissions. These projects represent over 720,000 tonnes in annual GHG reductions — equivalent to the amount of carbon stored in over 340,000 hectares of forest in one year. Along with reducing the impacts of climate change, municipalities saw other community benefits and savings, including $2.88 million in annual cost savings generated by reducing emissions from streetlights and municipally owned vehicles and buildings.

    About the PCP program
    The Partners for Climate Protection (PCP) program is managed and delivered by the Federation of Canadian Municipalities (FCM) and ICLEI – Local Governments for Sustainability (ICLEI Canada).
    Since 1994, PCP has provided municipalities of all sizes with the tools, resources and guidance they need to progress through a five-milestone process to lower GHG emissions and reduce the impacts of climate change. The five milestones are:

    Milestone 1 — Create a baseline emissions inventory and forecast
    Milestone 2 — Set emissions reduction targets
    Milestone 3 — Develop a local action plan
    Milestone 4 — Implement the local action plan
    Milestone 5 — Monitor progress and report results

    There are PCP members in all provinces and territories, and member municipalities represent more than 70 per cent of the Canadian population. PCP receives financial support from the Government of Canada and ICLEI Canada.

    For more information
    • Partners for Climate Protection:
    • Federation of Canadian Municipalities:
    • ICLEI Canada:
    • Town of Collingwood:

  • Town Lowers Energy Consumption with Hybrid Vehicle Replacements

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    The Town of Collingwood is deploying four recently purchased plug-in hybrid vehicles as part of its efforts to lower energy consumption and reduce greenhouse gas production.

    The purchase was made possible through the town’s current fleet vehicle replacement policy. The policy requires analysis of life-cycle fuel cost for light vehicles and includes incentives for hybrids. It ensures that consideration is given to more fuel-efficient vehicles and encourages hybrid vehicles where possible.

    The vehicles purchased are plug-in hybrids that have a range of approximately 40 km on one charge. They can be charged from a regular 120 volt receptacle or by Level 2 or Level 3 electrical vehicle charging stations. When required, the gasoline engine will operate to charge the battery, propel the vehicle, or both at the same time. They also utilize regenerative braking to capture the kinetic energy of the vehicle and further charge the battery.

    The vehicles will be utilized in the Public Works, Water, By-Law, and Building Departments. It is anticipated that they will operate on the electrical motor for most of their service life as the daily mileage will rarely exceed the 40 km range.

    The greening of the Town’s corporate fleet also includes two new electric ice resurfacing vehicles for rink maintenance and two bicycles for By-Law road patrols.

    The Town of Collingwood is recognizing many internal corporate efforts toward environmental sustainability and is taking action on new Greener Collingwood corporate initiatives like recycling, composting, and reducing single use plastics.

    “As the Town of Collingwood moves forward with green corporate initiatives, I encourage the businesses of the region to also look for ways to implement new green practices, and reduce energy consumption and waste,” said Mayor Brian Saunderson, “We all have a role to play in the environmental stewardship of our beautiful community.”

    Stay tuned to for announcements on Greener Collingwood initiatives.

Page published: 26 Jul 2024, 06:53 AM