Collingwood Achieves Milestone by Measuring Local Greenhouse Gas Emissions and Energy Use

The Town of Collingwood has completed Corporate Milestone 1 of the Partners for Climate Protection (PCP) program by collecting data and developing an inventory of corporate greenhouse gas (GHG) emissions. PCP is a network of Canadian municipal governments that have committed to reducing GHG emissions and protecting our climate. Achieving Milestone 1 is an important first step that helps the municipality take action to lower both energy costs and GHG emissions.

In 2019, the Town of Collingwood emitted 3,323 tonnes of CO2 emissions (tCO2e) from corporate operations. By baselining 2019 data, we can now work towards setting reduction targets for 2030 and 2050 to reduce our impact on climate change and the environment.

Completing corporate milestone 1 also advances and supports the objective of preserving the Town’s environment and taking action on climate change outlined in Collingwood’s Community Based Strategic Plan.

"Situated on the southern shores of Georgian Bay at the foot of the Niagara Escarpment, our community is rich in natural beauty and amenities. From a vibrant waterfront and lush greenspaces to accessible parks and an incredible trail system. This is an important first step for our town to reduce green house gas emissions from our municipal buildings and operations," says Mayor Brian Saunderson. "Sustainability is a priority for our community as identified in our Community Based Strategic Plan and our commitment to champion UN Sustainable Development Goal 11, to build communities that are safe, inclusive, resilient, and sustainable. We now have a starting point and are committed to reducing our greenhouse gas emissions and protecting our spectacular natural environment."

GHG inventories collect data on the greenhouse gases generated mainly by burning fossil fuels for energy and decomposing organic waste in landfills. This data is tracked separately in two types of inventory: a community inventory for residents and businesses, and a corporate inventory for municipal government facilities and operations. An inventory will help the Town of Collingwood identify and implement measures to improve energy efficiency and reduce GHG emissions. It provides a valuable reference point for setting emissions reduction targets, and for forecasting and tracking improvements over time.

As a member of the PCP program, the Town of Collingwood is among over 450 municipal governments across Canada taking a leadership role and making a significant contribution to reducing Canada’s overall GHG emissions. In 2018, PCP member municipalities voluntarily reported over 160 projects to reduce GHG emissions. These projects represent over 720,000 tonnes in annual GHG reductions — equivalent to the amount of carbon stored in over 340,000 hectares of forest in one year. Along with reducing the impacts of climate change, municipalities saw other community benefits and savings, including $2.88 million in annual cost savings generated by reducing emissions from streetlights and municipally owned vehicles and buildings.

About the PCP program
The Partners for Climate Protection (PCP) program is managed and delivered by the Federation of Canadian Municipalities (FCM) and ICLEI – Local Governments for Sustainability (ICLEI Canada).
Since 1994, PCP has provided municipalities of all sizes with the tools, resources and guidance they need to progress through a five-milestone process to lower GHG emissions and reduce the impacts of climate change. The five milestones are:

Milestone 1 — Create a baseline emissions inventory and forecast
Milestone 2 — Set emissions reduction targets
Milestone 3 — Develop a local action plan
Milestone 4 — Implement the local action plan
Milestone 5 — Monitor progress and report results

There are PCP members in all provinces and territories, and member municipalities represent more than 70 per cent of the Canadian population. PCP receives financial support from the Government of Canada and ICLEI Canada.

For more information
• Partners for Climate Protection:
• Federation of Canadian Municipalities:
• ICLEI Canada:
• Town of Collingwood:

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