Council Adopts Greener Collingwood Corporate Climate Action Plan

At its meeting held April 17, 2023, Council adopted the Greener Collingwood Corporate Climate Change Action Plan, setting a clear vision and attainable actions for the Town to achieve to reduce the Corporation’s overall carbon footprint. As part of the Town’s commitment to combat climate change, a Community Climate Action Plan will also be created through a collaborative approach with key stakeholders and residents.

Following the Town of Collingwood’s declaration of a Climate Crisis in October 2019, the Town joined the Partners for Climate Protection (PCP) Program to guide the municipality through the creation and implementation of Local Climate Action Plans, with the intention of implementing lasting and environmentally sustainable changes. By adopting this Corporate Plan, the Town is positioned to satisfy Corporate Milestones 2 and 3 of the PCP Program.

The Corporate Climate Change Action Plan aims to explore and reduce greenhouse gas (GHG) emissions associated with activities controlled and managed by the municipality (baselined at 3,370 tonnes of GHG per year), while the Community Climate Action Plan encompass all GHG emissions produced within Town boundaries from residents, tourism, and businesses (baselined at 207,218 tonnes of GHG per year).

The Greener Collingwood Corporate Climate Change Action Plan’s visions includes:

  • Integrate climate change and sustainability into the Town of Collingwood’s corporate culture,
  • Reduce greenhouse gas emissions by a minimum of 30% below 2019 levels by 2030, and
  • Become a corporate and municipal leader in sustainability initiatives and greenhouse gas reduction measures in the region.

Under the Plan, Corporate Actions are outlined under the categories of:

  • Buildings & Facilities (Goal: Reduce building emissions by 50% in 10 years and 80% in 20 years)
  • Transportation & Fleet (Goal: Reduce light-duty and heavy-duty fleet emissions by 30% by 2030)
  • Waste (Goal: Reduce waste (and associated emissions) by 20% by 2030)
  • Environment & Biodiversity (Goal: Enhance and protect Collingwood’s natural environment)
  • Behaviour and Culture Change (Goal: Integrate climate change and sustainability into the Town’s corporate culture)

In order to ensure resources are allocated to the biggest and most impactful areas, the Town has applied for grant funding through the Federation of Canadian Municipalities to complete a GHG Reduction Pathway Feasibility Study, which will identify projects to reduce GHG emissions associated with 42 municipally owned buildings. To further address transportation and fleet emissions, a Metrolinx transportation study is planned for 2024 to examine opportunities to decarbonize Collingwood’s bus and heavy-duty vehicle fleets.

In addition to the actions identified in the Greener Collingwood Plan, the Town continues to promote and deliver a variety of ‘green’ initiatives to promote sustainability, some of which are listed below:

  • Canopy Collingwood Program – 2023 will mark the third year of the Canopy Collingwood Program. Collingwood residents will be provided a financial incentive in the form of a rebate on the purchase of up to two trees from a recognized nursery or garden centre operation, or the materials required to establish a pollinator garden on private property. Details on the 2023 program will be available soon!
  • Community Cleanup Days – April 22 – May 9 are Collingwood Community Clean-up Days. Join this year’s efforts to help keep Collingwood litter-free. Community Clean-Up Days 2023 will begin on Earth Day, April 22nd, and continue until May 9th, the Provincial Day of Action on Litter. Learn more:
  • Enhanced Urban Stream Health Monitoring in partnership with the Nottawasaga Valley Conservation Authority - There are four major watercourses that flows through the town – Silver Creek, Black Ash Creek, Pretty River, and Batteaux River. These beautiful and valuable natural resources provide recreation for local residents and provides habitat for wildlife. Healthy rivers keep our harbour clean, helps build local economies and helps boost tourism in Collingwood. Our rivers are also essential green infrastructure for containing rain and snowmelt, diluting sewage effluent, and they also offer flood protection to the urban areas of our town. Learn more about this project:

For more information on climate action in Collingwood or to access the full plan, please visit:

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