Collingwood Receives $200,000 to Support GHG Reduction in Municipal Facilities

The Town of Collingwood was the successful recipient of a $200,000 grant through the Federation of Canadian Municipalities (FCM) Community Building Retrofit Program, under the Green Municipal Fund to complete a Greenhouse Gas (GHG) Reduction Pathway Feasibility Study. The study, which was completed in 2023, included a thorough review of 42 Town-owned and operated facilities and explored measures to reduce building emissions.

“Thanks to this funding, our consultants and staff were able to identify opportunities to help us achieve our greenhouse gas reduction goals. Council looks forward to receiving the report in the coming months,” says Mayor Yvonne Hamlin. “I’m extremely proud of the steps we are taking and leading by example for the community.”

This project follows and supports the actions identified in the Greener Collingwood Corporate Climate Change Action Plan, passed by Council in April 2023, with a goal of reducing overall corporate GHG emissions by a minimum of 30% below 2019 levels by 2030.

The total cost of the study was $250,000, with the Town contributing $50,000 (20% of total project costs) which was included in the 2023 budget. The project team in partnership with consultants, WalterFedy, will be presenting the results to Council in the coming months.

In October 2019, Collingwood Council declared a Climate Crisis to demonstrate the Town’s commitment to protecting the community, economy, and ecosystems from the effects of climate change.

Stay tuned for upcoming engagement opportunities for the Community Climate Action Plan throughout 2024. Don’t miss out! Subscribe to receive Town of Collingwood News & Notices directly to your inbox.

About FCM

The Federation of Canadian Municipalities has been the national voice of municipal government since 1901 and represents more than 92 percent of all Canadians from coast to coast to coast. FCM advocates for municipalities to be sure their citizens' needs are reflected in federal policies and programs.

The Green Municipal Fund is one of the many programs offered by FCM, which exists to enhance the quality of life for people in Canada by accelerating a transformation to resilient, net-zero communities. It provides grants, loans, innovative financing, leveraged investments, capacity building, and strategic support.

FCM Media Release

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