Zone the Future - New Zoning By-law

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Development, Growth & Economy
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Zone the Future Project Logo

Help Shape the Future of Collingwood!

Strategic Directions Report and Engagement Summary completed

The Town is excited to share the Strategic Directions Report that will guide the preparation of a new Zoning By-law in 2025. The Strategic Directions Report and Engagement Summary and Staff Report P2025-01(External link) will be presented to Committee of the Whole(External link) on January 13, 2025. You are welcome to attend virtually or in person.

The Town of Collingwood has started the process to update the Comprehensive Zoning By-law

Council received a presentation on May 22, 2024 to announce the beginning of a Zoning By-law Update project.

Why Update the Zoning By-law?

  • Aligns with community vision and priorities
  • Addresses an evolving Provincial and County of Simcoe policy and regulatory landscape
  • Incorporates new information and background studies
  • Improves clarity and ease of use
  • Is legislatively required within 3 years of approval of a new Official Plan
  • Brings an innovative lens to implement new Official Plan objectives and policies
  • Addresses emerging trends and issues, particularly housing affordability and climate change
  • Facilitates appropriate development and redevelopment, including gentle density

The Town has retained a consulting team, led by The Planning Partnership, to assist the Town in delivering an innovative document that supports a complete and sustainable community for our future. The new Zoning By-law will achieve the goals set out in the Town's new Official Plan. The update process is anticipated to take 12-18 months to complete.

For more information and to monitor project activities please subscribe for updates on this page.

What is a Zoning By-law?

The Zoning By-law is a regulatory tool that controls the use of land within our community. It will state how land may be used, the types of buildings that are permitted, where buildings and other structures can be located, and other specific details such as lot sizes and dimensions, parking requirements, building heights and densities, and setbacks from the street. Compliance with the Zoning By-law is required before a building permit can be issued.

The Zoning By-law is required to conform to, and will be designed to implement the new Official Plan, which is anticipated to be approved by the County of Simcoe in Fall of 2024.

How can I get involved?

There will be many chances for public input during the Zoning By-law update process and we want to hear your ideas! Please watch this page and Town social media for updates on how you can be involved.


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