The Town of Collingwood has started the process to update the Comprehensive Zoning By-law

Council received a presentation on May 22, 2024 to announce the beginning of a Zoning By-law Update project.

What is a Zoning By-law?

A Zoning By-law is a regulatory tool that supports a complete, sustainable, healthy, and affordable community. It controls the use of land and structures in our community, among other matters related to built form and community structure. It divides the Town into different land use zones with detailed maps, and specifies the permitted uses (for example, commercial or residential) and the required standards.

Why Update the Zoning By-law?

  • Addresses the evolving Provincial, County and local policy, legislative and regulatory landscape;
  • Brings the Zoning By-law into conformity with the new Official Plan (built-form focused approach with mixed land uses);
  • Facilitates appropriate development/redevelopment/intensification/infill in Collingwood, including the concept of gentle density that recognizes the character of existing neighbourhoods;
  • Brings an innovative lens to zoning as a tool to implement Town design and collaboration goals, including form-based zoning, coordination with surrounding municipalities, or other forward-thinking ideas;
  • Addresses emerging issues and trends in land use planning and sustainable community planning, particularly to assist in addressing the housing and climate change crises;
  • Enables flexibility to support and recognize new uses and types of development; and Improve and simplify the By-law’s content and organization to facilitate ease of understanding and interpretation, improve clarity, and streamline use.

The Town has retained a consulting team, led by The Planning Partnership, to assist the Town in delivering an innovative document that supports a complete and sustainable community for our future. The update process is anticipated to take 12-18 months, and will implement the Town's new Official Plan.

For more information and to monitor project activities please subscribe to updates on this project page.

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