October 16 2019

Collingwood passes motion declaring a Climate Crisis

On October 16, 2019, the Town of Collingwood Council unanimously declared a Climate Crisis to name and deepen our commitment to protecting our economy, our community, and our ecosystems, from climate change.

December 2019

Collingwood re-joined the Partners for Climate Protection Program

The Partners for Climate Protection (PCP) Program is a national network of over 500 municipalities with the shared goal of taking action against climate change and reducing local greenhouse gas emissions. The program consists of a five-step Milestone Framework that guides municipalities to take action against climate change by reducing municipal emissions. PCP receives funding from FCM's Green Municipal Fund and ICLEI Canada

January 2020

Climate change & Environment added to the Community Based Strategic Plan

Under the objective of preserving the Town's environment and taking action on climate change, Collingwood's 2020-2023 Community Based Strategic Plan identifies the following three actions: 

  • Demonstrate that the Town is a Green Leader in its own Operations
  • Climate Action Plan
  • Baseline and improve Town's environmental performance measures 

By completing these actions within 5 years, the Town hopes to achieve the goal of enhancing sustainability in Collingwood. 

Read the full 2020-2023 Community Based Strategic Plan.

October 2021

Collingwood Hires a Climate Change Specialist

The Town hired a Climate Change Specialist, who is responsible for the research, development, planning, and implementation of the Town's Climate Action Plans. This position focuses on mitigating the environmental impact of the Town, its businesses, residents, and visitors. The Specialist oversees the completion of priorities in the plan while contiguously engaging with the community and various stakeholders to ensure institutionalized cultural change.

March 2022

Completed a Corporate Greenhouse Gas Inventory

Following the Partners for Climate Protection Program's Corporate Milestone 1, the Town developed a baseline GHG inventory which identified that municipal operations produced 3,370 tCO2e in 2019.

June 2022

Completed a Community Greenhouse Gas Inventory

Following the Partners for Climate Protection Program's Community Milestone 1, the Town developed a baseline GHG inventory which identified that emissions produced within Collingwood boundaries are estimated to be 207,218 tCO2e in 2019.

September 19 2022

Council endorsed a minimum corporate GHG reduction target of 20%

In September 2022, staff brought a preliminary climate change update to Council, at which point, Council adopted a minimum 20% greenhouse gas reduction target below the 2019 baseline by 2030 for municipal operations. During the presentation, Council and the Community expressed the will for a larger GHG emissions reduction target, which was taken into consideration during the development of the Corporate Climate Action Plan.

April 17 2023

Adoption of the Greener Collingwood Corporate Climate Change Action Plan with a 30 x 30 vision

In April 2023, staff brought forward the Greener Collingwood Corporate Climate Change Action Plan with the following visions:

  • Integrate climate change and sustainability into the Town of Collingwood's corporate culture
  • Reduce corporate greenhouse gas emissions by a minimum of 30% below 2019 levels by 2030
  • Become a corporate and municipal leader in sustainability initiatives and greenhouse gas reduction measures in the region

The Greener Collingwood Plan is divided into 5 categories with 19 actions to help integrate climate change considerations into decision-making. 

The plan and actions therein were unanimously adopted by Council on April 17, 2023.

April 20 2023

PCP Corporate Milestone 2 Achieved

April 25 2023

PCP Corporate Milestone 3 Achieved

June 17 2024

Town of Collingwood completes a Greenhouse Gas Reduction Pathway Feasibility Study

Town staff presented the results of the Greenhouse Gas (GHG) Reduction Pathway Feasibility Study which provided a thorough review of 42 Town-owned and operated facilities and explored measures to reduce building emissions. The goal of the feasibility study is to explore the opportunities for each facility to reduce GHG emissions by 50% in 10 years and 80% in 20 years below baseline activity. This project follows and supports the actions identified in the Greener Collingwood Corporate Climate Change Action Plan, passed by Council in April 2023, with a goal of reducing overall corporate GHG emissions by a minimum of 30% below 2019 levels by 2030.

Implementation of the identified projects will be aligned with asset management renewal and be presented during budget discussions for consideration. 

The $250,000 project was 80% funded through a Green Municipal Fund grant provided by the Federation of Canadian Municipalities (FCM) Community Building Retrofit Program, with the remaining 20% ($50,000) included in the 2023 budget.