How does the municipality define short-term accommodation?

    A short-term accommodation is defined as the use of a dwelling unit, or any part thereof, that is operating or offering a place of temporary residence, lodging or occupancy by way of concession, permit, lease, licence, rental agreement or similar commercial arrangement for any period of 30 consecutive calendar days or less, throughout all or any part of a calendar year (Zoning By-law No. 2010-040).

    What are the current regulations for short-term accommodations in Collingwood?

    Currently, the Town prohibits short-term accommodations apart from bed and breakfast establishments through the Town's Zoning By-law 2010-040. Specifically, subsection 4.22.2 states “Except for a bed and breakfast, no dwelling unit shall be used as short-term accommodation.”

    What is the definition and requirements for a bed and breakfast?

    In the Town of Collingwood, outside of hotels and motels, STA less than 30 days are only permitted as bed and breakfast establishments.  Bed and breakfasts are a form of home occupation in which the proprietors are also residents of the building in which the STA is offered.  A home occupation shall be a permitted use in any zone where a dwelling unit is a permitted use. 

    The Town's Zoning By-Law 2010-040 outlines information pertaining to Bed & Breakfasts. Specifically, please refer to the definitions of ‘Bed and Breakfast' and 'Short Term Accommodation' as well as the zoning provisions contained in Section 4.22.2 Dwelling Units, 4.39 Home Occupations, and all of Section 4.25 Bed and Breakfast. To view these specific sections from the Zoning By-law relating to bed and breakfasts, click here

    As a homeowner, if you are interested in operating a bed and breakfast, you must first ensure that your property can satisfy all the requirements of the Zoning By-law. Following that, you may need to receive a Change of Use from the Building Department. Please view this bulletin which explains the criteria for change of use for a bed and breakfast. If you have additional questions, please contact Building Services at

    How are other municipalities addressing STAs?

    In the absence of Provincial regulation, each municipality across Ontario must define and determine its approach to addressing STAs. Based on research, staff have noted that few municipalities are prohibiting STAs outright. Most are considering STAs to be a form of residential use and are regulating either through a Zoning By-law and/or licencing through a bylaw passed pursuant to the Municipal Act, 2001.

    Staff Report No. C2022-22 provides examples of local/comparable municipalities and the approaches they have taken to addressing STAs.

    Ministry of Finance’s Home-Sharing Guide for Ontario Municipalities also explains why municipalities may consider addressing STAs and some of the regulatory levers that may be used.

    How is the current ban on STAs enforced?

    In accordance with the current standards for enforcement set by Council, the service level for “Short Term Accommodation”, falls within the Reactive Service Level where a case is initiated upon the receipt of a valid complaint.

    The following is a brief overview of the By-law Services Division complaint process as it relates to STAs:

    1. Upon the receipt of a valid STA complaint, details from the complainant are recorded and a case file is entered.
    2. Using a variety of investigation techniques/methods, by-law enforcement staff substantiate or confirm the alleged violation is occurring at the property.
    3. Upon complaint being substantiated, the owner of the illegal STA is provided with a written notice of violation and a compliance date is ordered of which the operation of the illegal STA premises must cease to operate.
    4. The By-law Services Division will conduct a follow up inspection to ensure compliance with the Town’s Zoning By-law.

    The Fire Department and the Building Services Division may also be notified of the illegal STA and a follow up inspection may be required to ensure life safety provisions are in place.