Fireworks in Collingwood

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Consultation has concluded

Canada Day Fireworks

The Town of Collingwood has traditionally organized a professional fireworks display annually on July 1st as part of the Collingwood Festival for Canada. For decades, firework displays have accompanied various annual celebrations nationally. The Town of Collingwood wants to hear from the community on how fireworks may or may not play a role in our Town events going forward. This is a result of members of our community having expressed concerns about fireworks and the challenges they can present with respect to noise, environmental impacts, and pet welfare. To better understand these concerns and the community’s desire to continue or discontinue firework displays, the Town has issued a survey to collect community feedback.

Your input will help staff make informed recommendations to Council about fireworks or firework alternatives in future years.


  1. This survey does not apply to personal, back yard fireworks.
  2. The data gathered from this survey will be shared with the Collingwood Downtown BIA and other organizations which coordinate public fireworks in the Town of Collingwood.
  3. The costs indicated in the survey are estimates only and are expected to fluctuate.
  4. At present, the availability of service providers to host a drone show on July 1st is limited.


Fireworks: A nighttime display using devices that produce light, colour, and sound by the burning of explosives.

Drone Show: Also known as a drone display or drone art, a drone show is the use of multiple robotic vehicles (drones), flying in a coordinated fashion, typically at night, with light fixtures attached. They are usually equipped with multiple LEDs that can create images, shapes, and patterns.

Aerial Light Display: Some form of visual entertainment taking place in the dark sky using light to create a viewing experience. For the purposes of this project, an aerial light display includes traditional fireworks, a drone show, or some other similar experience.

The Town of Collingwood has traditionally organized a professional fireworks display annually on July 1st as part of the Collingwood Festival for Canada. For decades, firework displays have accompanied various annual celebrations nationally. The Town of Collingwood wants to hear from the community on how fireworks may or may not play a role in our Town events going forward. This is a result of members of our community having expressed concerns about fireworks and the challenges they can present with respect to noise, environmental impacts, and pet welfare. To better understand these concerns and the community’s desire to continue or discontinue firework displays, the Town has issued a survey to collect community feedback.

Your input will help staff make informed recommendations to Council about fireworks or firework alternatives in future years.


  1. This survey does not apply to personal, back yard fireworks.
  2. The data gathered from this survey will be shared with the Collingwood Downtown BIA and other organizations which coordinate public fireworks in the Town of Collingwood.
  3. The costs indicated in the survey are estimates only and are expected to fluctuate.
  4. At present, the availability of service providers to host a drone show on July 1st is limited.


Fireworks: A nighttime display using devices that produce light, colour, and sound by the burning of explosives.

Drone Show: Also known as a drone display or drone art, a drone show is the use of multiple robotic vehicles (drones), flying in a coordinated fashion, typically at night, with light fixtures attached. They are usually equipped with multiple LEDs that can create images, shapes, and patterns.

Aerial Light Display: Some form of visual entertainment taking place in the dark sky using light to create a viewing experience. For the purposes of this project, an aerial light display includes traditional fireworks, a drone show, or some other similar experience.

  • CLOSED: This survey has concluded.

    The Town of Collingwood has been looking at possible alternatives to fireworks, including drone shows. 

    While Collingwood’s traditional Canada Day fireworks cost between $15,000 and $20,000, a drone show is estimated to cost $50,000 to $80,000.  

    Here are some samples of drone shows:

    Example of a 100 drone show:

     Example of a 200 drone show:

    Example of a 500 drone show:

    ***Please note: The survey will close on December 9, 2022 at 4:30 p.m. Results of this survey are not scientific.

    Consultation has concluded
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