2020-2022 Collingwood and the Blue Mountains OPP Strategic Plan

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Consultation has concluded

The Town of Collingwood and the Town of the Blue Mountains OPP have released their 2020-2022 Strategic Plan and we want to hear from you!

This online forum invites residents to share their input about safety and police services. This feedback will help the Board collect public opinions on policing issues and serve as a gauge of public concern about crime and policing issues and recommendations for improvements to police services.

The Police Services Board consists of five members, three appointed by the Town and two appointed by the Province.

Collingwood Police Services Board Board Secretary
Drew Rowe (Provincial Appointment)

The Town of Collingwood and the Town of the Blue Mountains OPP have released their 2020-2022 Strategic Plan and we want to hear from you!

This online forum invites residents to share their input about safety and police services. This feedback will help the Board collect public opinions on policing issues and serve as a gauge of public concern about crime and policing issues and recommendations for improvements to police services.

The Police Services Board consists of five members, three appointed by the Town and two appointed by the Province.

Collingwood Police Services BoardBoard Secretary
Drew Rowe (Provincial Appointment)Sonya Skinner, Executive Director, Customer & Corporate Service
Willemein Schurer
(Provincial Appointment)

Donna Wilson (Municipal Appointment)
Mayor Brian SaundersonDetachment Commander
Councillor Kathy Jeffery, Acting ChairMary Shannon, Inspector

The 2020-2022 Strategic Plan priorities include:

  • Violent Crime & Assault
  • Property Crime / Fraud
  • Illicit Drugs
  • Traffic
  • Mental Health
  • Youth Engagement
  • Diversity, Human Rights and Inclusion

The OPP is committed to public safety and delivering proactive and innovative policing in partnership with our communities. Police services in the Town are provided by the Ontario Provincial Police pursuant to an agreement between the Town and the Province. Policing is carried out under the direction of the local Detachment Commander.

Please share your feedback by November 30, 2020.

Share your priorities and concerns about police services in your community and in Collingwood.

It is important that the needs of the community are heard when reviewing the OPP's 2020-2022 Action Plan. Let us know what police services are important to you as a resident of Collingwood.

Consultation has concluded

The speed limit should be enforced on Collins St and Peel St near River Side Park for kids safety. I live in this neighbourhood and seen many car drivers rushing their cars at high speed.

Samir Makwana almost 4 years ago
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Most crime is the result of social conditions. We need to ensure that we are not prioritizing enforcement over anti-racism and poverty initiatives. This may require an examination of the allocation of funding for policing vs. social supports.

Nick Clayton almost 4 years ago
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We definitely don’t need more police patrolling Main Street. That is such a weird way to spend money with everything else going on. Having more police isn’t going to help the homeless situation. Come up with a proper plan to help them.

Notopatrol almost 4 years ago
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How about traffic on Grey 19. Every day I drive that road someone decides to pass on a double solid line. On a curve. On a hill. Cars routinely are driving head on into my lane passing a cyclist. And... is the speed limit now 120?

Kk almost 4 years ago
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I do not want foot patrol on the streets of Collingwood. In a time of increased social tension, foot patrol will only add more stress for people. We are doing out best to comply with COVID restrictions, definitely don't need police hasseling people

nofootpatrol almost 4 years ago
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Defund and Re-allocate funds into real, tangible community programs. Enough pandering to just tourism. Collingwood has the highest homeless rate in the county. Enough.

People live here. Don't leave them behind.

DefundAndReplace almost 4 years ago
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Speeding on Findlay Drive continues to be a problem between the two schools, in spite of electronic speed signs. Also on Campbell and Sixth. Occasional live radar would help immensely. People would realize that speed will cost financially and points

Jerry Finczak almost 4 years ago
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It is important to me to have the local station manned and open at all times.
If someone was following you and you went into the station for help you only get a phone to use to ask for help. This might be too late.

Dee almost 4 years ago
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More enforcement of ticketing speeders and drivers who do not give enough distance to cyclists on the roads also when drivers cut off cyclists.

rainbow4sparks almost 4 years ago
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It would be good to see a black and white on our sidestreets occasionally. Not so sure about police on the Hurontario beat? Not really necessary.
Any time we have requested assistance the response has been fast and friendly.
Keep up the good work.

Greg almost 4 years ago
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Back to Peels Principles of Community Policing

Samantha almost 4 years ago
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More positive community engagement is needed. It would be nice to see the OPP do some similar programs as Barrie/TPS/YRP i.e. COPS, coffee with a cop, Citizens Academy etc as well as more officers trained with mental health supports assistants

Samantha almost 4 years ago
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I feel that OPP support for mental health issues at the home is very important.
Both Collingwood & Blue Mountains detachments are excellent in how they manage those situations now and I would really like to see that continue.

Deborah almost 4 years ago
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I would like to see a presence of police officers on foot and visible on the streets particularly the downtown core. I was born and raised in Collingwood and police walked the beat back then and built a close relationship with the young. Thanks.

Barry wensley almost 4 years ago
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What I think Collingwood needs is less police and more mental health workers available after hours. Train the remaining force to be more skilled at addressing more serious crimes. We don't need 5 emergency vehicles showing up to basic 911 calls.

susanh almost 4 years ago
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Foot patrols are an essential way for the police to engaged with their communities. Having that presents within the community does make people feel safe, and does in most cases deter would be criminals.

Erinn almost 4 years ago
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Hey there I need some clarification and where this is all coming from. Is the policing due to the new strong homeless population or to put inforce covid protocols? Why now also ? The summer is where people swarmed our town and collected in groups .

Wendy almost 4 years ago
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I am a small business owner and I don’t agree with the police walking around downtown Collingwood!!We are a friendly unique community and this would take away the charm we possess as a small town!

Janet almost 4 years ago
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I wish to express my distinct disagreement with the proposal to add foot patrols. The Town is quiet with low crime. We must reduce the stifling taxes of this town.

Dean Taylor almost 4 years ago
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Foot patrol policing is not necessary in my opinion. People in our community are already following the protocols and just want to enjoy the holiday season. Extra policing will take the joy out of Christmas.

Bernadette almost 4 years ago
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