Speed Limit Review

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The Town of Collingwood is conducting a Speed Limit Review, to ensure all multi-modal road users can provide input on how they feel the Town can enhance their road travel experience.

The Master Mobility and Transportation Plan (MMTP) includes an expert-conducted safety screening of all roads within the Town of Collingwood which will include a review of any collision history, road design, and road hazards. The Speed Limit Review will gather traffic data from various locations around the community including most residential streets and all collector roads within the Town’s boundaries. Together, the data will inform the decision process related

The Town of Collingwood is conducting a Speed Limit Review, to ensure all multi-modal road users can provide input on how they feel the Town can enhance their road travel experience.

The Master Mobility and Transportation Plan (MMTP) includes an expert-conducted safety screening of all roads within the Town of Collingwood which will include a review of any collision history, road design, and road hazards. The Speed Limit Review will gather traffic data from various locations around the community including most residential streets and all collector roads within the Town’s boundaries. Together, the data will inform the decision process related to setting speed limits within the Town. This review will consider both the benefits and disadvantages of speed limits for local and collector roads, either Town-wide or in select locations.

Community input and engagement is critical to ensure an informed and successful outcome. Residents were invited to complete the Speed Limit Review survey between July 3 to July 26, 2024, using the survey linked below. Hard copies were available at Town Hall, 97 Hurontario Street.

Members of Council and staff were at the Farmer’s Market booth on Saturday, July 6 ato chat bout this Speed Limit Review. An open house / virtual session will also be scheduled later in the year.

The estimated time of review completion is scheduled for late 2024. Based on results and recommendations, the impact on other municipal projects, the implementation plan, and funding will be discussed in early 2025.

  • CLOSED: This survey has concluded.

    Roadway safety is a topic that concerns everyone and can be a key factor to consider when supporting a healthy living lifestyle. To potentially help improve traffic safety in Collingwood, a review of various factors that contribute to driver behaviour is underway, with speed being the focus of this project. The Master Mobility and Transportation Plan (MMTP) is broader in scope and includes a safety screening of all roads within the Town of Collingwood, including a review of collision history, road geometrics, and road hazards. This speed limit review will gather traffic data from various locations around the community. Together, the data will inform the decision process related to setting or changing speed limits within the Town.

    We want your input! 

    Help us identify areas where you feel the speed of vehicles may be a concern and share whether you feel that modifying speed limits may be a viable option for improving traffic safety. To do so, fill out this short survey about posted speed limits. After you complete the survey, you can also fill out the form titled "Traffic Speeds - Locations of Opportunity" to identify areas where you feel the speed of vehicles is a concern (if any), the time periods when this is of concern, and what you feel are the most significant safety risks.

    Thank you for your participation!

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Page last updated: 27 Aug 2024, 11:35 AM