Joint Multi-Use Recreation Feasibility Assessment (MURFA)

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Multi-Use Recreation Feasbility Assessment Photo with the four logos


The Town of Collingwood and the Town of The Blue Mountains are working together to conduct a Joint Multi-Use Recreation Feasibility Assessment (MURFA). This page will keep you informed of the project background, objectives, engagement opportunities, progress, and outcomes.

Collingwood Background:

The Town of Collingwood Community Based Strategic Plan (CBSP), adopted in 2015 and refreshed in 2020, outlines the community’s vision and goals over a 20-year span. The CBSP recognizes the Town’s current growth and continued growth position and identifies the Town’s vital role as a unique hub for recreation, health care, commercial services, employment, and arts and culture.


The Town of Collingwood and the Town of The Blue Mountains are working together to conduct a Joint Multi-Use Recreation Feasibility Assessment (MURFA). This page will keep you informed of the project background, objectives, engagement opportunities, progress, and outcomes.

Collingwood Background:

The Town of Collingwood Community Based Strategic Plan (CBSP), adopted in 2015 and refreshed in 2020, outlines the community’s vision and goals over a 20-year span. The CBSP recognizes the Town’s current growth and continued growth position and identifies the Town’s vital role as a unique hub for recreation, health care, commercial services, employment, and arts and culture.

In addition to the CBSP, the Town of Collingwood Parks, Recreation & Culture Department (PRC) is guided by a PRC Master Plan which was adopted in 2019. The PRC Master Plan is intended to provide the Town of Collingwood with a ten-year strategy to be used as a guide in developing recreational and cultural programs and services that will support a healthy and vibrant community while meeting the Town’s long-term needs. Among its 121 recommendations is the following:

  • Review feasibility and sustainability of a multi-use recreation facility for the Town of Collingwood. This could be done in conjunction with local municipalities as a regional centre to optimize the needs of several communities.

The Collingwood Public Library’s 2022 Strategic Plan highlighted the need for versatile space and the Library Board provided direction to review expansion or relocation feasibility. Collingwood Council supported the Board’s direction with the approval of Library budget to complete this study. The model of integrating library services into a community centre has proven effective in several municipalities across the province. As such, it is being blended with the municipality’s approach, as a measure of efficiency and timing opportunity.

To learn more about the Town of The Blue Mountains and their involvement in this project, please visit their project page MURFA.

Why now?

Funding for individual feasibility studies was recommended through both Town of Collingwood’s 2019 PRC Master Plan and The Blue Mountains’ 2021 Leisure Activities Plan. The municipalities have both received Council consent and budget to work on a joint feasibility study to investigate a regional approach.

What is a Feasibility Assessment?

In the municipal context, a feasibility assessment confirms community needs for the present and future, prioritizing them within a structured framework. It evaluates business alternatives to optimize service delivery, employing a Strengths, Weaknesses, Opportunities and Threats (SWOT) analysis, community input, best practice research, and municipal document review. This comprehensive process equips the Councils with vital information to make a “go/no-go” decision on further progressing plans for major projects.


This feasibility assessment will engage a variety of methods to research, analyze, and determine the required amenities to be included in a multi-use recreation facility or facilities to support the recreational needs of the Town of Collingwood and the Town of The Blue Mountains today and into the future, and the degree to which the facility or facilities can be sustained.

This assessment is expected to take approximately eight months to complete.

Scope of Work:

There are six specific work streams that will be delivered through this process:

  • Understand the Market & Existing Conditions - Assess the existing amenities and facilities in both communities. An integral aspect of this evaluation involves analyzing demographic trends and growth projections to anticipate future needs effectively
  • Understand User Needs - Various methods of engagement and special outreach will be used to understand perspectives from the communities, stakeholders, community groups, library users, advisory committees, partners etc. to understand their perspectives and needs.
  • Facility Benchmarking Determine the size, scale, and features of the facility/facilities required to meet local and regional needs, including design concepts.
  • Location Analysis – Identify potential sites for a future multi-use recreation facility or facilities, taking into account factors like transit access, parking availability, nearby trails, and neighborhood fit. Financial and developmental aspects will also be included in this evaluation.
  • Explore Financing Options - Assess initial costs for both capital and operating expenses, recognizing their estimated nature but crucial role in decision-making. Investigate government grants and alternative financing methods (fundraising, sponsorship, earned revenues) with reference to successful multi-use recreational facility projects.
  • Explore Governance Models - Multi-use and multi-partner ventures require governance practices ensuring equitable contributions and shared roles. This analysis will explore ownership and operational responsibilities, accounting for legislative boundaries and practical factors.

Public Engagement:

Ensuring robust public engagement is pivotal to this project, recognizing the significance of involving residents, community groups, stakeholders, and partners in shaping the vision of a multi-use recreation facility or facilities. In addition to public engagement, we will collaborate with local and Provincial Sport Organizations, third-party recreation providers, and community space users to gather the most complete data possible.

Examples of engagement methods may include, but are not limited to:

  • Conducting stakeholder interviews and workshops
  • Hosting community information sessions and open houses
  • Utilizing social media platforms and online surveys
  • Organizing public charrettes during events

Upcoming Public Engagement Opportunities in Collingwood:

Public Engagement Booths

  1. Sidelaunch Days Waterfront Festival- Saturday August 10th, 2024 from 10:00 a.m. to 4:00 p.m.
  2. Collingwood Farmers' Market- Saturday August 24th, 2024 from 8:00 a.m. to 1:00 p.m
  3. Collingwood Public Library- Saturday September 21st, 2024 from 11:00 a.m. to 2:00 p.m.
  4. Collingwood Art Crawl (Downtown Booth)- Saturday September 21st, 2024 from 4:00 p.m. to 8:00 p.m

Public Survey

Members of the public are encouraged to complete the survey to share details about their usage and priorities for existing recreational and library facilities, and to share what is desired for future facilities. A simplified version of the survey has also been prepared for youth in the community under the age of 18. Both surveys will be open until September 30, 2024.

Complete Public Survey

Complete Youth Survey

Community Group & Organization Focus Groups

Calling all community groups, clubs, and organizations! Please join us at one of six virtual focus groups, scheduled throughout the month of September. Hosted by Colliers, these sessions will include an overview of the feasibility assessment process and facilitated discussion supporting open dialogue about your group’s needs. The drop-in format allows attendees to come and go as desired. Please note that these sessions are designed specifically for community groups and their leadership, not the general public. If you are a member of the public and wish to provide feedback, please fill out the survey above.

To register for the Focus Group session most applicable to your organization, please email who will forward you the registration link. If you can’t attend your category-specific session, consider joining us at the General Focus Session, noting that this session will be broader in terms of representation from various sport, recreation, and library communities.

  1. Community Organizations & Service Clubs – Monday, September 9, 6:30pm - 9:30pm
  2. Outdoor Sports & Recreation User Groups – Wednesday, September 11, 6:30pm - 9:30pm
  3. Ice User Groups – Monday, September 16th, 6:30pm - 9:30pm
  4. Indoor Sports & Recreation (non-ice) User Groups – Wednesday, September 18, 6:30pm - 9:30pm
  5. Library User Groups & Health and Social Service Organizations – Monday, September 23, 6:30pm - 9:30pm
  6. General Focus Session/Alternative Date – open to all organizations unable to attend a previous session – Wednesday, September 25, 6:30pm - 9:30pm

Access the Documents widget to view the:

  • Staff Report PRC2023-03 Community Centre Feasibility - Regional Consideration
  • MURFA Kick-Off Presentation by Colliers to Council on Monday June 24th, 2024

About the Consultants:

Colliers Project Leaders: Colliers Project Leaders is Canada’s largest real estate advisory and project management company. It was founded in 1989 with a single powerful objective – to be a dedicated project leader working on behalf of our clients to achieve their success. Through our 700 professionals spread coast to coast, we provide project management and advisory services to clients across Canada, aiming to maximize the performance of real estate assets, portfolios and building operations of facility owners and investors. We have delivered more than 15,000 projects, becoming one of Canada’s most trusted advisory firms. Our expertise encompasses enterprise performance management, lifecycle management and master planning, project management, process design, project compliance audits, procurement strategy, transaction management, contract / commercial management, change management and training, business case development, funding analysis, financial modeling, and market research and gap analysis.

  • Public Survey Regarding Joint Multi-Use Recreation Feasibility Assessment Now Open!

    Share Public Survey Regarding Joint Multi-Use Recreation Feasibility Assessment Now Open! on Facebook Share Public Survey Regarding Joint Multi-Use Recreation Feasibility Assessment Now Open! on Twitter Share Public Survey Regarding Joint Multi-Use Recreation Feasibility Assessment Now Open! on Linkedin Email Public Survey Regarding Joint Multi-Use Recreation Feasibility Assessment Now Open! link
    supporting image

    Members of the public are encouraged to complete the survey to share details about their usage and priorities for existing recreational and library facilities, and to share what is desired for future facilities. A simplified version of the survey has also been prepared for youth in the community under the age of 18. Both surveys will be open until September 30, 2024.

    Complete Public Survey

    Complete Youth Survey

  • Upcoming Public Engagement Opportunities in Collingwood

    Share Upcoming Public Engagement Opportunities in Collingwood on Facebook Share Upcoming Public Engagement Opportunities in Collingwood on Twitter Share Upcoming Public Engagement Opportunities in Collingwood on Linkedin Email Upcoming Public Engagement Opportunities in Collingwood link
    supporting image

    Upcoming Public Engagement Opportunities in Collingwood:

    1. Sidelaunch Days Waterfront Festival- Saturday August 10th, 2024 from 10:00 a.m. to 4:00 p.m.
    2. Collingwood Farmer's Market- Saturday August 24th, 2024 from 8:00 a.m. to 1:00 p.m
    3. Collingwood Public Library- Saturday September 21st, 2024 from 11:00 a.m. to 2:00 p.m.
    4. Collingwood Art Crawl (Downtown Collingwood Booth)- Saturday September 21st, 2024 from 4:00 p.m. to 8:00 p.m.
Page last updated: 06 Sep 2024, 01:57 PM