Collingwood Arts Centre Feasibility Study

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Upcoming Presentation: Tune in to the Committee of the Whole meeting on Monday, July 8th when the outcomes and recommendations of the Phase 3 Study will be presented. View the agenda here.

Since February of 2021, the Parks, Recreation & Culture Department has been working with consultants and the community to conduct an Arts Centre Feasibility Study (CACF) for the Town of Collingwood.

The study is being completed in phases as outlined below.

Phase 1 Objectives

Conducted by Nordicity Group Ltd in partnership with Giaimo Architects, the purpose of this phase was to evaluate the needs of the arts and cultural sectors in the community, and to determine if and to what degree an arts and cultural centre would be feasible in Collingwood.

Phase 1 Scope of Work

The process included a market and audience assessment, stakeholder and public consultation, a design and location analysis, and finally, recommendations on financing and governance. The Phase 1 final report was presented at the Strategic Initiatives Committee (SIC) meeting on October 4th and at the Council meeting on October 18th.

Phase 1 Results

The results of the Phase 1 study suggest that there is indeed demand for an arts and culture centre in Collingwood and that it would be feasible, “provided certain design, development, and start-up conditions can be met and the overall implementation executed capably”. Nordicity advises that “success depends on many factors from ensuring continued community buy-in, strong leadership particularly related to market attraction, programming and promotions, as well as a commitment from the Town towards the annual subsidy.”

Phase 2 Objectives

Conducted by Nordicity Group Ltd in partnership with Giaimo Architects, and building on the findings of Phase 1, Phase 2 had the following objectives:

  • Validate the feasibility of the new arts facilities, including the market, operational, financial, economic, fundraising, and social-impact aspects that would underline a recommendation on size and seating capacity.
  • Assess the feasibility of a short list of sites and recommend a single site that Council would put forth for any further consultation deemed to be required.
  • Determine the target arts disciplines that would be served by the facility, which would include space for a live performance theatre/music and dance, and public galleries and exhibition space for the visual arts.

Phase 2 Scope of Work

  • Interviews with anticipated primary user groups/disciplines to test and rationalize the operating model developed in Phase 1 to validate local market take-up assumptions
  • Research on recently established and longer standing venues to test assumptions about revenues to be generated by touring acts; research included interviews of venue operators, tour promoters, and representatives of touring performers
  • Research in collaboration with Town staff on locational challenges and opportunities related to the short list of identified potential locations
  • Development of architectural rationale and spatial analysis, based on best practices for public space design
  • Research of planning, engineering, servicing, or other challenges and opportunities related to potential sites in collaboration with Town staff
  • Conducting an economic impact assessment of the value of the outside visitors attracted to Collingwood - based on the outputs generated through the TRIEM modelling tool
  • Determining high level capital cost estimates for the recommended site and facility
  • Development and presentation of a final report including the location, size, and composition of an Arts and Culture Centre in Collingwood.

Phase 2 Results

The Phase 2 report was presented to the Corporate & Community Services Standing Committee at its April 3rd meeting and made the following recommendations regarding size, scope, and site for a potential Arts Centre in Collingwood.


The research supports an overall preference towards having a smaller ~400 seat main performance facility.


The community re-affirmed the need to have the following kinds of spaces in the facility:

  • Public gathering areas
  • Front-of-House
  • Theatre 1 (higher capacity, fixed seating)
  • Theatre 2 (smaller capacity, flexible seating)
  • Administration
  • Theatre support spaces (green rooms, dressing rooms, etc.)
  • Studios/Classrooms
  • Additional office and catering spaces
  • Retails and market spaces


The six short-listed sites from Phase 1 were assessed and studied by Giaimo through a site selection evaluation framework. Based on this, the short-list was narrowed to two potential sites that both meet the needs of the size, scope, and vision for a new arts centre. These were:

  • 48 Ste. Marie St – a new 45,000 sq.ft. arts centre constructed on 35,000 sq.ft of parking lot in Downtown Collingwood.
  • Collingwood Terminals Redevelopment – a new 45,000 sq.ft. arts centre integrated with the larger Grain Terminal Redevelopment project currently underway by Streetcar Developments Inc. and Dream Unlimited Inc.

While the initial intention of the Phase 2 study was to recommend one final site, Giaimo determined that both sites offer feasible, non-comparable approaches, and as such recommended that both be considered further in consultation with Streetcar, the Town, stakeholders, and the public to determine which approach is preferred.

Given this, staff recommended extending the consulting contract with Nordicity & Giaimo to engage in additional site discussions with Streetcar Developments Inc. and to facilitate further public consultation with respect to the two recommended site options. This recommendation was defeated in favour of focusing solely on the 48 Ste. Marie Street site (or comparable downtown parking lot if deemed necessary) with direction for staff to report back to Council with plans for proceeding to Phase 3 of the project. Council ratified this decision at its April 17th meeting.

Phase 3 Objectives

Conducted by Colliers Project Leaders, the purpose of this phase is to provide Council with a finalized design option based on previous feasibility studies, options, and selected site. This will support Council in their decision-making regarding the development of a new arts and culture centre.

Phase 3 Scope of Work

The process will include:

  • Review of Phase 1 and Phase 2 data
  • Site selection
  • Concept Design
  • Costing
  • Public Consultation
  • Fundraising Framework and Viability Assessment
  • Business Case Development

Public Engagement

Collingwood Arts Centre Feasibility Study - Phase 3 Public Engagement Session

Thank you to everyone who attended the session on Wednesday, November 29, 2023. The comment period for this specific session is now closed.

Watch for further Engagement Opportunities on this page.

Access the Documents widget to view the:

  • Phase 1 Final Report as delivered by Nordicity
  • Phase 1 Staff Report that accompanied the report to the SIC
  • Phase 1 Presentation provided by Nordicity, also presented at the SIC meeting
  • Phase 2 Final Report as delivered by Nordicity & Giaimo
  • Phase 2 Staff Report that accompanied the report to the CCS
  • Phase 2 Presentation provided by Nordicity & Giaimo, also presented at the CCS meeting
  • Phase 3 Public Engagement Session (November 29, 2023) Presentation Deck
  • Phase 3 Update to Council (December 18, 2023) Presentation Deck
  • Phase 3 Final Report - Business Plan and Fundraising Framework as delivered by Colliers Project Leaders (July 8, 2024)
  • Phase 3 Staff Report (July 8, 2024)
  • Phase 3 Presentation provided by Colliers Project Leaders (July 8, 2024)

About the Consultants

Colliers Business Leaders: Colliers Project Leaders is Canada’s largest real estate advisory and project management company. It was founded in 1989 with a single powerful objective – to be a dedicated project leader working on behalf of our clients to achieve their success. Through our 700 professionals spread coast to coast, we provide project management and advisory services to clients across Canada, aiming to maximize the performance of real estate assets, portfolios and building operations of facility owners and investors. We have delivered more than 15,000 projects, becoming one of Canada’s most trusted advisory firms. Our expertise encompasses enterprise performance management, lifecycle management and master planning, project management, process design, project compliance audits, procurement strategy, transaction management, contract / commercial management, change management and training, business case development, funding analysis, financial modeling, and market research and gap analysis.

Nordicity is a leading international consulting firm providing solutions in research, economic analysis, strategy, and policy across multiple sectors including Arts, Culture & Heritage. For this project, Nordicity partnered with Giaimo, a Toronto-based architectural practice that integrates design with conservation. Giaimo brings with it unique expertise in working with heritage buildings.

Upcoming Presentation: Tune in to the Committee of the Whole meeting on Monday, July 8th when the outcomes and recommendations of the Phase 3 Study will be presented. View the agenda here.

Since February of 2021, the Parks, Recreation & Culture Department has been working with consultants and the community to conduct an Arts Centre Feasibility Study (CACF) for the Town of Collingwood.

The study is being completed in phases as outlined below.

Phase 1 Objectives

Conducted by Nordicity Group Ltd in partnership with Giaimo Architects, the purpose of this phase was to evaluate the needs of the arts and cultural sectors in the community, and to determine if and to what degree an arts and cultural centre would be feasible in Collingwood.

Phase 1 Scope of Work

The process included a market and audience assessment, stakeholder and public consultation, a design and location analysis, and finally, recommendations on financing and governance. The Phase 1 final report was presented at the Strategic Initiatives Committee (SIC) meeting on October 4th and at the Council meeting on October 18th.

Phase 1 Results

The results of the Phase 1 study suggest that there is indeed demand for an arts and culture centre in Collingwood and that it would be feasible, “provided certain design, development, and start-up conditions can be met and the overall implementation executed capably”. Nordicity advises that “success depends on many factors from ensuring continued community buy-in, strong leadership particularly related to market attraction, programming and promotions, as well as a commitment from the Town towards the annual subsidy.”

Phase 2 Objectives

Conducted by Nordicity Group Ltd in partnership with Giaimo Architects, and building on the findings of Phase 1, Phase 2 had the following objectives:

  • Validate the feasibility of the new arts facilities, including the market, operational, financial, economic, fundraising, and social-impact aspects that would underline a recommendation on size and seating capacity.
  • Assess the feasibility of a short list of sites and recommend a single site that Council would put forth for any further consultation deemed to be required.
  • Determine the target arts disciplines that would be served by the facility, which would include space for a live performance theatre/music and dance, and public galleries and exhibition space for the visual arts.

Phase 2 Scope of Work

  • Interviews with anticipated primary user groups/disciplines to test and rationalize the operating model developed in Phase 1 to validate local market take-up assumptions
  • Research on recently established and longer standing venues to test assumptions about revenues to be generated by touring acts; research included interviews of venue operators, tour promoters, and representatives of touring performers
  • Research in collaboration with Town staff on locational challenges and opportunities related to the short list of identified potential locations
  • Development of architectural rationale and spatial analysis, based on best practices for public space design
  • Research of planning, engineering, servicing, or other challenges and opportunities related to potential sites in collaboration with Town staff
  • Conducting an economic impact assessment of the value of the outside visitors attracted to Collingwood - based on the outputs generated through the TRIEM modelling tool
  • Determining high level capital cost estimates for the recommended site and facility
  • Development and presentation of a final report including the location, size, and composition of an Arts and Culture Centre in Collingwood.

Phase 2 Results

The Phase 2 report was presented to the Corporate & Community Services Standing Committee at its April 3rd meeting and made the following recommendations regarding size, scope, and site for a potential Arts Centre in Collingwood.


The research supports an overall preference towards having a smaller ~400 seat main performance facility.


The community re-affirmed the need to have the following kinds of spaces in the facility:

  • Public gathering areas
  • Front-of-House
  • Theatre 1 (higher capacity, fixed seating)
  • Theatre 2 (smaller capacity, flexible seating)
  • Administration
  • Theatre support spaces (green rooms, dressing rooms, etc.)
  • Studios/Classrooms
  • Additional office and catering spaces
  • Retails and market spaces


The six short-listed sites from Phase 1 were assessed and studied by Giaimo through a site selection evaluation framework. Based on this, the short-list was narrowed to two potential sites that both meet the needs of the size, scope, and vision for a new arts centre. These were:

  • 48 Ste. Marie St – a new 45,000 sq.ft. arts centre constructed on 35,000 sq.ft of parking lot in Downtown Collingwood.
  • Collingwood Terminals Redevelopment – a new 45,000 sq.ft. arts centre integrated with the larger Grain Terminal Redevelopment project currently underway by Streetcar Developments Inc. and Dream Unlimited Inc.

While the initial intention of the Phase 2 study was to recommend one final site, Giaimo determined that both sites offer feasible, non-comparable approaches, and as such recommended that both be considered further in consultation with Streetcar, the Town, stakeholders, and the public to determine which approach is preferred.

Given this, staff recommended extending the consulting contract with Nordicity & Giaimo to engage in additional site discussions with Streetcar Developments Inc. and to facilitate further public consultation with respect to the two recommended site options. This recommendation was defeated in favour of focusing solely on the 48 Ste. Marie Street site (or comparable downtown parking lot if deemed necessary) with direction for staff to report back to Council with plans for proceeding to Phase 3 of the project. Council ratified this decision at its April 17th meeting.

Phase 3 Objectives

Conducted by Colliers Project Leaders, the purpose of this phase is to provide Council with a finalized design option based on previous feasibility studies, options, and selected site. This will support Council in their decision-making regarding the development of a new arts and culture centre.

Phase 3 Scope of Work

The process will include:

  • Review of Phase 1 and Phase 2 data
  • Site selection
  • Concept Design
  • Costing
  • Public Consultation
  • Fundraising Framework and Viability Assessment
  • Business Case Development

Public Engagement

Collingwood Arts Centre Feasibility Study - Phase 3 Public Engagement Session

Thank you to everyone who attended the session on Wednesday, November 29, 2023. The comment period for this specific session is now closed.

Watch for further Engagement Opportunities on this page.

Access the Documents widget to view the:

  • Phase 1 Final Report as delivered by Nordicity
  • Phase 1 Staff Report that accompanied the report to the SIC
  • Phase 1 Presentation provided by Nordicity, also presented at the SIC meeting
  • Phase 2 Final Report as delivered by Nordicity & Giaimo
  • Phase 2 Staff Report that accompanied the report to the CCS
  • Phase 2 Presentation provided by Nordicity & Giaimo, also presented at the CCS meeting
  • Phase 3 Public Engagement Session (November 29, 2023) Presentation Deck
  • Phase 3 Update to Council (December 18, 2023) Presentation Deck
  • Phase 3 Final Report - Business Plan and Fundraising Framework as delivered by Colliers Project Leaders (July 8, 2024)
  • Phase 3 Staff Report (July 8, 2024)
  • Phase 3 Presentation provided by Colliers Project Leaders (July 8, 2024)

About the Consultants

Colliers Business Leaders: Colliers Project Leaders is Canada’s largest real estate advisory and project management company. It was founded in 1989 with a single powerful objective – to be a dedicated project leader working on behalf of our clients to achieve their success. Through our 700 professionals spread coast to coast, we provide project management and advisory services to clients across Canada, aiming to maximize the performance of real estate assets, portfolios and building operations of facility owners and investors. We have delivered more than 15,000 projects, becoming one of Canada’s most trusted advisory firms. Our expertise encompasses enterprise performance management, lifecycle management and master planning, project management, process design, project compliance audits, procurement strategy, transaction management, contract / commercial management, change management and training, business case development, funding analysis, financial modeling, and market research and gap analysis.

Nordicity is a leading international consulting firm providing solutions in research, economic analysis, strategy, and policy across multiple sectors including Arts, Culture & Heritage. For this project, Nordicity partnered with Giaimo, a Toronto-based architectural practice that integrates design with conservation. Giaimo brings with it unique expertise in working with heritage buildings.

Page last updated: 08 Jul 2024, 04:46 PM