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Affordable Housing Master Plan Survey

Welcome to the Town of Collingwood’s Affordable Housing Master Plan Survey! This survey is part of our public engagement to develop Collingwood’s Affordable Housing Master Plan. The Master Plan will outline the priorities, direction, and actions necessary to combat the housing crisis.

The purpose of this survey is to help us learn about specific community needs around housing. Your responses will help to describe current housing supply, demand, and affordability within Collingwood, allow us to understand what types of housing may be needed in the future, and collect your ideas on how to tackle housing affordability locally. The Affordable Housing Master Plan will identify potential targeted improvement strategies or actions. Your responses will remain anonymous. 

Together, we will roll up our sleeves to help our neighbours and ensure that we have a vibrant, thriving and sustainable community - today and well into the future.  

This survey should take less than 15-20 minutes to respond. Your input is greatly appreciated.

Please complete this survey based on your personal experience. For questions that reference “your household”, a household is considered as being a set of (related or unrelated) people sharing the same dwelling and who have a joint budget.

When you are finished, we encourage you to share the survey link with others – including others living in your home who may have different perspectives. (For example, if you have owned your home for 20 years you will have a different experience than adult children who are living with you because they can’t afford housing.)