Your Council is listening!

A group photo of the Collingwood Council with official flags in the background.

Collingwood Council is excited to engage with residents on matters that mean the most to them! No one knows better what is needed for our community than those of us who live here, work here, and play here. The purpose of engagement is to gather perspectives for decision-makers, not to make decisions. It means that the Town of Collingwood talks to our communities before making decisions. It means that if you have concerns or ideas about improving the quality of life and services in Collingwood, we want to talk to you about them.

Learn more about the Town's commitment to community engagement in the Community Engagement Action Plan, for when, why, and how the Town will seek engagement on certain projects or initiatives.

This Engage Collingwood platform provides many options for online participation and feedback opportunities for various projects and initiatives. If you wish to speak directly to a member of Council, contact information is provided to the right.

Thank you for your interest in making Collingwood a better place to live, work and play!

Council Meetings

We pride ourselves on being accessible to all our citizens and providing information to people as easily as possible.

 Council Meetings are held in the Council Chamber, Town Hall, 97 Hurontario Street, Collingwood and via Videoconference, as may be permitted. Meetings are generally held on Mondays, unless it is a public holiday, with Council – Committee of the Whole on the first and third Mondays of the month and Council – In-camera on the second and fourth Mondays as required. Meetings generally begin at 2:00 p.m., unless noted otherwise on an agenda.

To view and search upcoming meeting dates, meeting agendas and minutes, please visit our Meeting Agendas and Minutes page.

Subscribe to receive Council and Committee meeting notifications.

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